If you are searching for the best way to increase traffic, gain good publicity, and become known as the expert in your field then article marketing is the key. If those your goals, start writing and circulate marketing articles online to make it happen. When you start marketing articles online there's a couple points to keep in mind.
Do not write just to have a way to build incoming links - write real quality articles. While the goal of building links is reason to write, you want your article to represent you and your marketing communications, as well as do extra work for you. When you produce a quality article you'll have those links coming in, but you want other business owners to want your place articles on their websites as well (more incoming links and traffic coming to you).
And if that quality article happens to be noticed, and then published by some well-known online or offline publication, can you imagine the kind of spotlight you would be in then? The bottom line is mediocre article marketing will not give you that kind of results. Since you're already putting in the time to write and distribute articles, why do not they have a powerful tool for you as well?
Start out seeing yourself as an expert, so when you write you will BE THE EXPERT. You are the one who chose this field, so communicate what it is that you know with your customers. When you believe you are the expert, it will show through in your writing as well. Keep in mind if you do not put yourself in that "expert in my field" class, no one else will do it either.
Make sure you write an Author Bio that really sells you and what you do - do not make the same mistakes others to by writing some mundane comments along with your website address - you will be blowing off valuable real estate at the end of your articles ! If the article you write is dynamic, you'll have readers looking at the author bio and wanting to click on it to know more about you. Be detailed and write an author bio that benefits you: Visit http://maryswebsite.com to find out about building websites that will sell - or - To receive a free 15 page report on building your own sales producing websites visit marysobsite. Are you able to see the difference? The reader's benefit is what you need to be focusing on all the time.
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