



Sunday, November 11, 2018

Human Brain Computer Interfaces Start Now - Where Do We Go From Here?

I have very little doubt that in the future we will have computer chips on our skulls permanently attached or implanted underneath our skulls for human brain/computer interface. Perhaps you can get a PhD in any subject you want merely by purchasing the chip and having it implanted. Maybe you can get multiple PhD's in the subjects of your choice and then try to cross pollinate all that information in your mind to come up with new discoveries and innovations.

For those that don't want to think too much they may use these interfaces as communication tools for thought-swapping in a social networking type system. It's hard to say exactly how this will play out or which of these technologies will be available first, perhaps they all will be available over time. We are already starting to see it happen now, albeit with smart phone wristwatches and Google Glass. Still, is human evolution biology, that is to say is our human bio system, prepared for this next leap of technology? I'd like to discuss this with you if I might.

On October 29, 2013 Manufacturing (dot) net had an article titled; "Google Expands Sales of Internet-Connected Glasses," and now more people can buy these to test them out for the low price of $1500. Okay so, may I ask some important questions?

Has anyone considered the problems with brain cancer, having those electronics so close to the brain - or will the extra electro-magnetic energy actually help brain waves and cognition? These are questions I dare to ask as we brave this new technology - can anyone legitimately answer these questions? We were lied to about cell phone microwaves on the brain and some Swiss studies prove it, now the cell phones are no longer the same power setting - today much less, still we need to know as we start interfacing with the brain, we cannot afford to screw this up.

Perhaps there is a way around this problem. We do have to worry about visual degeneration diseases of the eyes, and perhaps we can solve this problem by taking the frequency at which these devices operate, running another similar frequency which is very close, and the difference between those two frequencies will cancel each other out and be set at a proper biorhythm frequency for an increased immune system or faster cognition - remember the brain is an organic electro-magnet device, so it will enjoy frequency at the proper doses and settings.

It may also be that when the human mind, optical nerve, and visual part of the brain as it is trying to move between nearsighted objects such as Google Glass' micro screen and off into our visual range in the real world that it will tax our brain in a new way, making more connections between our eyes and visual part of the brain. This may over time and use of these devices cause our brains to develop more strongly in those regions. Could this in turn make us smarter, become part of our add-on memory, and take human cognition to an entirely new level?

I believe it can if we are careful not to dismiss the challenges ahead when it comes to frequency pollution, and the potential for cancer or degenerative eye diseases using these high tech tools. Please consider all this and think on it.

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