



Saturday, January 26, 2019

How to Tune-up a Car

Your vehicle needs a major service or tuning after every two years or 30,000 miles. However, regular maintenance of the vehicle other than major service is a routine work. Tuning not only enhances the performance of the vehicle but also keep it secure from major troubles for long time. It is necessary to know when your vehicle needs to tune-up. If you do not pay attention in this regard, you are putting your vehicle in an utmost risk. Hereunder, are given some of the points to Tune up or service your vehicle to increase the life and performance of your car.

Things you required:

- Air Filters
- Car Manuals
- Car parts (belts etc)
- Distributor caps
- Fuel filters
- Oil filters
- Screwdriver Sets
- Spark plugs
- Spark Plug Gapping Tools

Steps to follow:

1. Regular cleaning of the fuel filter is not essential except the injectors are blocked, if your vehicle has a fuel-injection system. But at the time of tuning it is better to replace it with new.
2. Examine the spark plugs and spark plug wires closely. And replace them if necessary. The spark plug wires may be fixed to the distributor cap, so it will have to be changed as well.
3. Distributor cap and rotor also needs some attention. They are missing in some latest models. If your vehicle contains the distributor cap and rotor, substitute them with new ones.
4. In case you have an older model (1979 or older) that does not support electronic ignition, you are required to replace or adjust the switches (points) and condenser.
5. Ignition timing is also an important problem in some cases. So it is recommended to adjust it as per set standards.
6. Examine the top of the engine. If you find any traces of oil on it, you need to adjust or replace the valves.
7. Check for the loose or damaged belts. Replace as necessary.
8. Oil and oil filter need to be change if it has achieved the set mileage limit (3,000). Examine the fluid under the engine hood and refill as required.
9. During the tuning process, the air filter needs to be change. Air filter requires to be replacing every 15,000 miles as well.
10. In case your vehicle has a manual transmission, adjust the clutch. Adjusting is not required for all the cars. Some new cars now support self-adjusting clutches.
11. Batteries are also important past of the vehicle. Weak batteries pamper the performance of the vehicle. Check the water level in the battery and if required add distilled water. Clean the terminals and cable ends.
12. Positive Crankcase Ventilation valve also need some consideration. If this valve gets blocked, it can cause your vehicle to halt or make your car run shaky. So, it must be replaced to avoid trouble.

This is the brief process of car tuning with some useful points, which can help us to tune our car and enhance its performance.

Promotional Mugs Are a Delightful Way to Share Business Information

With custom promotional mugs, you have a low cost but highly effective way to be able to reach out to people. Getting information out there about what you offer, how people can contact you, and building your brand are all key to longevity. You want your business to continue to grow and to be profitable. Not only right now, but may decades into the future.

Not all of your advertising dollars need to be focused on pushing products or services you offer. Some of them, such as custom promotional mugs, offer a wonderful way to thank customers and even business contacts for their relationship with you. This is a product most will use so it does not get thrown in a drawer and forgotten.

Make sure you pay for very well made custom promotional mugs though. They should be durable with a lid that fits very good. If the product is not quality made, people are not going to be happy to use it. The goal is to make it something that is convenient for them and they will reach for it time and time again. Each time they do, they see your business information.

Grab them with Information

The lettering should be large enough that they do not have to get squinty trying to read it. The colors should be reflective of your company logo and other details. This is important so the person using it makes that visual connections to your business when they see it. Keep in mind, the product should be able to hold up well with the lettering too.

If it washes off when you clean the custom promotional mugs or when you put them in the dishwasher, it defeats the purpose. When the flaking starts, the quality of appearance starts to be compromised. This can cause some users to toss it out rather than to continue using it. Even if they do continue using it, the message you share is hindered.

Maximize the Space

You have plenty of space to complete your layout on custom promotional mugs. With that in mind, add a logo and your quotes for the business. Add your phone number, address, and website. To help build trust, add when your business started too if it has been a few years. This will show them you are not a flash in the pan business, but rather one that is here to stay!

Pick your Provider

You want custom promotional mugs that look great, hold up over time, and serve your marketing message with information. Share all of this with the provider you plan to work with and see what they can come up with for you. Find a provider who does not charge anything to consult with them and share what they can offer to you. Find out what the price will be per unit.

Often, they will offer you tremendous savings if you buy a larger amount. This reduces the per unit cost so you save money. This is the type of promo item you can give away any time of the year and for any reason. They are not going to be out of style any time soon either so there is no reason not to buy in bulk and save. You do not need tons of space to store them either!

Find out about the quality of the work the provider does before you talk to them about doing work for you. The last thing you need is to be embarrassed by the quality of what they deliver. It is an extension of your business, and it needs to show you care about quality on every level.

The Benefits Of Parking Sensors

Many articles have been written about vehicles that prevent a person from swerving. Cars that automatically slow down or stop when the vehicle comes too close to an object, or my personal favorite, self parking vehicles.

Most Luxury cars will have a feature where the driver will press a "Self Parking Button," and the vehicle will park itself. But what about the people who can not afford a luxury car? Instead of going out and spending an arm and a leg, why do not you consider the option of purchasing a Parking Sensor Kit? There are many kits to choose from that all range in price to fit anyone's budget. Parking Sensors go as low as $ 50. The Sensor Kit is easy to install and fits any vehicle. Some of the pricier kits require a little more work to install. If you are not comfortable with removing the bumper of a vehicle yourself, you could easily find an Installation Technician at just about any place that installs Stereo Equipment.

Vehicle Parking Sensors are a wise investment. It was recently reported that the number of children that are injured in parking accidents are equal to the amount of children killed in auto accidents. Vehicle Parking Sensors could be responsible in reducing reversing accidents by 75% and will pay for themselves in the long run by preventing these kinds of accidents. This will save you money on insurance claims and will also keep monthly premiums low.

Each Kit usually comes with 4-8 sensors. Others come with a metallic strip that is installed behind the bumper. The sensors are either ultrasonic, or a combination of ultrasonic and radar. As the vehicle reverses towards an object, the LED screen will beep. The closer you get to an object, the faster the beeping.

With all of the money you'll be saving by preventing auto accidents, you may be able to afford that Luxury Car after all!

Visit for affordable Parking Sensors, blogs and more ...

2 Surefire Big Ticket Home Money Makers

I am going to be frank. This article is not for the unsure, green, and computer struggling work from home professional. This is for the ones who are familiar with the lingo. Who are familiar with the daily actions and mindset to be successful!

Reason being if you can not do it right the first time you'll end up losing a lot of money!

Direct Sales
This is what it's all about. A company with a product that yields you $ 500 or more per sale. and that same yield or more when someone on your team makes a sale! Yes it's harder to make a sale but if you ever wanted to be apart of that "get rich quick" crow, you would love direct sales!

Ask yourself, which one will take longer ... "700 $ 7 Sales or 7 $ 700 sales." The truth is, it's a lot easier to market and sale 7 $ 700 sales, but most need that daily success to keep confident and progressive! If you can withstand not making a sale every day until your marketing budget grows than you make a lot of money in direct sales.

Online Coaching
This is my favorite. Because once you've made money marketing other people's products, it's time to start to market yourself. Your accomplished. And people will pay a lot more for your help on a one on one basis. It's comforting. You do not have to be in the "make money from home" niche. If you have a expertise that you can deliver online, set up a online coaching! We have marketers delivering do 4 tel-seminars a week for then you could be making $ 1000 a person every single month.

Auto Mats Are Accessories for Cars

People that take pride in their appearance often dress up their wardrobe with fashion accessories that reflect their taste and sophistication. Weaving designed labels and being constantly in step with the latest styles These types of individuals also take pride in what they drive.

Going to be seen in prestigious cars that also shows their level of commitment to the finer things in life, people that put their energy into making the best impression often add accessories to their automobiles. By finding that only the best is good enough many owners of luxury vehicles prefer to install car floor mats that are monogrammed with their initials, rather than purchasing factory car mats from the dealership.

Where prestige and style meet the customized auto mats are special ordered to the specifications of each customer. Being able to select the fabric, color, stitching and either a logo or personalized monogram to enhance the uniqueness of their car floor mats, people of discriminating taste, can have the perfect designer accessory for the cars as they do the right wristwatch or handbag for their belovedings.

Being accustomed to having only the best, drivers that insist on rewarding themselves with the finest things that are available in life are finding that the custom fitted car mats which complement their vehicles are in step with their tailored clothing and high level of success. With the ability to choose from auto mats for every make and model of luxury automobile the finest accessories do not have to be the ones that are worn with a designer label.

A New Car Break-In Technique

We live in a fast pace society and that includes technology development. Technology can be a great tool to make our lives much easier in many ways. However, with great technology comes great responsibility. It is easy for technology to consume your life. It is also easy to abuse and misuse the wonders of technology.

With this story, that is the case. Thieves caht on surveillance camera were recorded walking up to cars and yanking on the handles. Usually at this point you would see broken windows or pried open doors. In other words, there would usually be a lot of damage done. But, in this case the thieves seemed to use a compact device to electronically unlock the doors.

It is pretty easy to manipulate, according to tech experts, especially since most vehicles use a keyless method to unlock and lock their vehicles. It is easy to create something that manipulates the vehicle into thinking that the owner with the car remote is standing nearby, even when the are not.

This case took place in Sauk Village, IL, but it is not unheard of happening in other places. The victims losses included a jujitsu belt and some boxing gloves, estimated around $ 30. Fortunately, there was not anything extremely valuable to the victim in the vehicle. Again, the thieves left no evidence or damages including the contents of the glove box being strewn across the passenger seat.

Although this new technique can be difficult to prevent, there are a few factors to keep in mind when trying to prevent theft. First, remember to avoid leaving anything valuable in your vehicle, especially when leaving it for the night. If you are running errands and must leave something in your vehicle, experts advise you to leave it in the trunk or underneath a towel or blanket.

It also helps to install extra security systems and anti-theft devices in your car. It decrease your auto insurance cost and prevent the theft of any belongings. It also helps to add security systems around your home to expose criminal cases such as the surveillance footage did.

Another tip that may reduce the likelihood of a break in is parking your vehicle in a well-lit area. Most thieves will not target a vehicle that is in an area that has reliably bright lighting because it increases the likelihood of them getting caught.

It also helps to avoid parking in an otherwise empty area. This also makes your vehicle an easier target to thieves since less people will be around.

Remember, car break-ins are fairly common and now technology is making it even easier to unlock and get into vehicles. Always lock your vehicle when leaving it and again, never ever leave valuables such as money or electronics in your car.

Additionally, keep an eye out for any suspicious behavior out of people around cars, as this could be criminal at work. Report anything unusual or unsafe to entities immediately.

100 Great Romantic Ideas

1. Bury a "Time Capsule" together with trinkets, love letters or other romantic sentimental items. Then, draw up a simple map and store it in your safe deposit box. Date the map and decide together when you'll dig up your romantic treasure.

2. Create a special music disk together of love or fun songs. Have them ready for those special times together.

3. Plant a romantic note in a book your love is reading. It can be as simple as: "I love you," "I want you" or just XOXOXOXO.

4. Next time you're at the mall together, jump into a photo booth and take some fun pictures. Keep in your car or in your desk for a quick pick-me-up during the day.

5. Plant a tree together and plan to carve your names in it when it grows big. This can be a fun place to have a picnic or just hang out together; watching the clouds or stars.

6. Stop at a local coffee shop and spend some "two-gether" time there, or take a long walk or scenic drive in the county.

7. Send your love a letter at work. You can disguise it in a regular business envelope and it can be funny or / and romantic. Or even a little naughty if you're planning a special evening together.

8. Use heart-shaped sticky notes, one or a bunch to post little messages through the house or garage to add a little thrill to your love's life.

9. Pick up some dipping chocolate and fresh strawberries, cherries or bananas and make tonight's dessert incredibly romantic.

10. Take a long drive and stop at a new restaurant, or a deli to pick up a picnic lunch. Spend this time really listening to each other.

11. Name a star together and when you're apart; you can look at it and know that your love is waiting for your safe return.

12. Use glow-in-the-dark stars and black lights to create a romantic night sky inside.

13. Create a spa atmosphere at home with candles, essential oils, incense burners, mood music, massagers or other relaxation products.

14. Chocolate, the flavor of romance! Serve chocolate liquor in small glassware as dessert to vamp up a romantic dinner.

15. On a special night, dim the lights and put on some soft music. Then undress leaving a trail of your clothes from the front door to the bedroom.

16. Spend a quiet evening by the fire together. Roast marshmallows or have drinks available.

17. While your love is showering, sneak in and write, "I love you" on the steamed mirror.

18. Take a love letter or romantic vacation brochure and cut it into a puzzle. Mail a piece of the puzzle to your love every day or place every puzzle piece on table or dresser.

19. Make a romantic tape recording asking your love to meet you somewhere. You'll need confirmation that they can make it so be sure to leave a return number.

20. Next time you're walking together, grab your love's hand or walk arm-and-arm.

21. Make a "Prescription for Love" form on the computer. Then hand write each prescription using words like ... take two doses of love and come see me now, make it more creative and intimate. Re-label an empty prescription bottle with heart stickers and set the blank prescriptions next to the bottle with a pen so you can both play doctor.

22. Create a romantic slideshow using old photos of you and your love. Sort pictures by years and events starting from when you first met until present. Add some romantic music then set a date for both of you to enjoy.

23. Do not put those photos away just yet! Pick out the best ones and frame as many as you want to display on the mantel, coffee table or dresser. This grouping will bring back wonderful memories every day.

24. Email greetings. They can surprise, create fun, show affection or entice your love. Send a free greeting anytime; why not send one right now!

25. Purchase an inexpensive calendar calendar. Keep track ofcoming romantic dates and events; do not use it as your everyday calendar. You can, however, mark a black "x" on days that there's a family or other event so you do not overbook days. Likewise mark your regular calendar with a red "x" for romance days. Keep this calendar as a special keepsake when the year is done.

26. Sometimes changing your normal routine can spark romance. Like using candles or mood lighting or bringing home a bouquet of flowers to set the stage for romance.

27. Date night is a must! Maybe a picnic for two or tickets to a ballgame, movie or play. Consider mutual interests so you both have fun or take turns picking the entertainment. Remember, a date does not have to be expensive; get creative. The idea is to have fun and talk. Schedule a month in advance and do not cancel, as it's the most important appointment of the month.

28. Each one makes a list of romantic fantasies to share during a coming romantic evening.

29. Happy Birthday Banner. You do not have to buy one; it'll be better when you've created it.

30. A candlelight dinner for two is very romantic.

31. Splurge on some new, sexy lingerie which could be just the thing to give your love the urge.

32. You're the star. Have a personalized romance novel created where you star and he's the hero.

33. Alone away from home. Send a small gift or flowers to your love's destination to be received upon arrival.

34. For a personalized keepsake, consign a local artist to sketch you and your love doing something fun or romantic together.

35. Keep some coins handy so when you pass a fountain, you can both make an impromptu wish.

36. Slip a love note in your love's pants or coat pocket.

37. Acknowledge your love's interests. Get tickets to an event, ie, game, opera or concert, you know your love is interested in. Keep the location a secret, however, mark your romance calendar so you both keep this date open.

38. Be extra understanding when you're love has a down-in-the-dumps day.

39. Cut small, heart shapes from colored paper and jot down a romantic message on each. Then, take them to a party store and ask the clerk to put one in each balloon before it's inflated. Tell your love to pop them as they deflate to find a surprise.

40. Buy a box of Lucky Charms and remove all the marshmallows except the heart-shaped ones.

41. At the mall, split $ 20 and plan a time and place to meet later. Then split to find secret romantic or seductive items for a special evening.

42. Fill a scrapbook with souvenirs and special mementos of your times together, such as concert ticket stubs, a napkin from a restaurant where you had a special evening together, romantic photos, etc.

43. Take your camera or use the picture option of your cell phone to record your special dates. Lots of people will take your picture if you ask and many times, they are looking for someone to take their picture.

44. Get a hammock, make some lemonade and spend a warm sunny date being lazy together.

45. Design and install a small sitting area at home where you can both enjoy the day and each other.

46. ​​Take a trip to a winery. Do not forget to take the tour and buy a bottle for reminiscing at a later date.

47. Buy two disposable cameras and take pictures of each other being silly, loving and romantic. Have them developed in an hour and then talk about them over iced tea, wine or dessert.

48. Rent a funny movie.

49. Create a romantic bedroom. Spare no expense and splurge on a new romantic-style bed, soft fluffy pillows, sheets, bedspread and curtains that ooze romance. Soft, sensual throw rugs and mood lighting will complete the transformation from dull to soothing and sexy.

50. Pamper your love by warm bath towels in the dryer for a few minutes.

51. Move those candles into the bathroom for a candlelit shower.

52. Put a note on the remote. "Come, turn me on," may be the start of a special evening.

53. Pamper her and go to a chick flick; hold hands and let her cry if she wants to.

54. Plan a romantic trip and you'll find that half the fun is in the planning.

55. Spend a day at the beach .... at home. Decorate an area with a beach or Hawaiian theme. Get some coconuts, lounge chairs, beach towels and maybe even some sand. Do not forget the tropical drinks and food.

56. Spray a heart shape in the grass so your love knows you care. Or use your lawn mower to cut one out.

57. Stargazing is fun, so buy an easy-to-follow book so you can both enjoy the sparkling sky.

58. Buy a smoothie maker and make a couple Pina Coladas or Daiquiris (alcohol or non), then pick a spot in the yard, throw down a blanket and enjoy your very own deserted island.

59. Drive to a nearby town and walk hand-in-hand to enjoy the sights, shops, restaurants or nightlife.

60. A moonlight picnic for two might be just what you need to set the stage for romance.

61. Plant some favorite flowers and when they bloom, you can pick them for your love.

62. Plan a midnight rendezvous on a hot summer night. Do not forget the blanket and cold drinks.

63. Sidewalk chalk is handy for creating a special message to your love.

64. Spend time just spending time together. Activities such as croquet, horseshoes, golf and cards are fun.

65. Stock up on hot cocoa, tea and popcorn for the cooler months when you just want to snuggle up together.

66. Instead of springing for a fancy dinner, have dinner at home and go out for the dessert.

67. Gently blindfold your love and lead into the bedroom for some soft, sensual pleasure.

68. Resolve to become more romantic and you will.

69. Get a small box and decorate with hearts and flowers. Then start throwing in your small bills and change so you will have lots of "fun money" to spend when the mood is right.

70. Jot down those romantic ideas as you think of them for future reference.

71. Light up the fire pit or patio stove for a cuddly evening.

72. Spend an evening together making up love coupons and then have fun redeeming them.

73. For the gals - Dress in layers of lingerie and ask him if he wants to play strip poker.

74. Take a nature walk together. Breath in the fresh air, feel the sunshine and enjoy the walk.

75. When you notice your love is looking your way, smile.

76. Write a love note and place in plastic bottle to slip into her bubble bath.

77. Spice up your notes and love letters by referencing a Thesaurus. For example, other words for "love" could have been emotion, passion and affection.

78. Mail a postcard to your love with a hand-drawn "I Love You" heart.

79. On those cold nights when you want to cuddle, warm your hands under water before hopping into bed.

80. Assemble a pizza, putting the toppings in a "heart-shaped" design.

81. No matter how bad your day was, always give a smile or kiss to your love.

82. Have some fun at Halloween and dress up to complement each other's costume, ie, Sonny & Cher, Biker Dude and Biker Babe, Cowboy and Cowgirl, etc.

83. Give your love a compliment when you can. Some example; that was a great dinner, you're really good at balancing the checkbook, I could not have done it without you or you look good in that outfit.

84. If you are not, get healthy together. Take that evening walk together, find out what healthy foods you both like and plan some healthy meals together.

85. Spend some time in the kitchen together preparing a meal or cleaning up.

86. When your love talks, listen.

87. Surprise your love with a kiss when least expected. Say, "I Love You."

88. When using massage oil, pour on hands and rub them together to warm up the oil before applying.

89. If you're not sure of what romantic things your love would like to do, start off with some things you would find romantic.

90. Take your love dancing and ask the DJ to dedicate a slow romantic song to your love from you. Then dance the night away. Or, call in to the radio station to dedicate a special love song to your love.

91. Leave a love note in your love's car where it will be readily seen.

92. If you have a "Honey Do List," add some "special" things you would like your honey to do with you.

93. If possible, offer to help your love when it comes to home repairs or general fix-it projects that might have been a one-person job before. This is quality time spent together and will reduce the time it takes to get the job done.

94. Make a "Why I Love You" list of your love's best qualities and jot down in a simple, handmade birthday, anniversary or other card.

95. Spend a few minutes daydreaming about your love and the romantic things you want to do together.

96. Invite your love to join you for a drink and talk about a romantic vacation that you would both like to take if money was no objective. Be as detailed as possible and maybe you will find that you could enjoy some of those dreamy plans without spending big bucks.

97. Do not forget to say, "Thank You" when your love does those little things for you.

98. Start each day by thinking about all the good things in your life. Then keep that positive feeling flowing through the day by staying upbeat and helpful.

99. Always be considerate of your love when at a social or other type of event. Plan to spend some time together during the event.

100. When your love is sick, take some extra time to make things as comfortable as possible. If a doctor appointment is made, offer to drive and to stop at the pharmacy if a drug is required. Make sure there are plenty of liquids available and offer to put together a simple meal, like toast and soup.

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