



Tuesday, January 1, 2019

The Many Ways to Make Money Online

There are many ways to make money online, but the most common, and most lucrative way is to sell products for companies who are willing to share the profits with you. And the thing you have to understand is that you must work at it. Anybody that promises you an easy, effortless way is not telling the truth. Remember: The prime reason most people do not make money online is that they never get started.


This process of marketing to people online is called "Internet Marketing" and it is a multi billion dollar industry. If you are just getting started, support is one of the first things that you need to look for when choosing a guide. The largest selling guide to internet marketing is Steven Wagenheim's Honest Income Program. It's an in-depth, step-by-step blueprint to making money online, through Internet Marketing.


Downloadable digital products are one of the fastest growing markets online. The # 1 problem facing most people that want to make money online is "where can I get hot products to sell". As you look at ways to make money online, you will find marketing areas and or products you will want to stay away from. Information products, ebooks, software and videos are hot sellers and the demand just keeps growing.

The lesser the competition for the given keyword, the higher the prospect of your place to get to the top of the search engines and the unplanned to make money online is significantly increased. Today I know that the challenge for any one wanting to make money online is figuring out what opportunity can make a difference for him. In summary, I believe that to make money online is not that hard. Thank you for taking the time to read this article and wishing you all the best of luck. For internet marketing tips and tricks visit

Differentiation And Positioning For Authors


The never-ending quest to get more readers, and their hard-earned money, is more competitive now than it has ever been before. And as you may have already surmised from your efforts to sell your own books, in order to become a financially successful author, you must learn how to differentiate and position yourself and your book as the go-to person and book that will help the reader solve their problems. And fortunately for you and me, this is not a difficult or overly sophisticated thing to accomplish. And luckily for us, it is something that most other authors do not bother toacheve.

What Is "Differentiation"?

The definition of "difference" is as simple and straightforward as it sounds. What attributes do you and your book have that the readers will see as different and desirable? How are you and your book different from other authors and their books? What makes you a better expert in your subject matter? Why should the reader believe that you and your book can do a better job of helping them solve their problems? Why should the reader listen to you over the thousands of other authors? You need to take a hard introspective look at yourself and answer these questions as honestly as possible. If there is any hint of dishonesty in your answers, the reader will see right though it, and NEVER trust you again. This is not a time to be slick or boastful - just speak from your heart. Readers will immediately know and appreciate the difference.

For example, if you write about nursing, sometimes your unique value is that you have been a teaching instructor and director of nursing education for nurses and nursing students for over thirty-five years. And you have an extensive experience in critical care, informatics, and policy-and-procedures. You have also won several awards for your teaching from different hospitals and nursing organizations. You have been a medical consultant and advisor to a popular video game. You have been teaching nurses about several different aspects of nursing, as well as teaching other nurses how to become nursing teachers. All of this helps differentiate you from the other nursing authors.

What Is "Positioning"?

The definition of "positioning" is also as simple and straightforward as it sounds. Where are you and your book positioned within your niche? For example, your general subject matter may be nursing, but your particular niche may be "critical-care nursing". Then you might also have a "micro-niche" of an even more specific topic within critical-care. You may also position yourself as, for example, the author who speaks at those big critical-care nursing conferences, or the one that makes all the critical-care videos. So, with all of this in mind, how do you, as well as your audience, see you? What is your audience's perception of you? What do they see as your expertise? What do you see as your expertise? What position in the market are you occupying, or trying to occupy, that makes you unique?

How Do They Relate To Each Other?

Differentiation and positioning go hand-in-hand together - just like you and your book. Once you have decided how best to differentiate yourself and your book from your competition, you can then determine how best to position yourself for your audience - based on their wants and needs, and also on what the other authors are not doing a good job of covering. It will now be your job to communicate and show your audience how you differentiate yourself from the other authors, and how you are positioning yourself within your particular niche.


Once you decide how you want to differentiate and position yourself and your book, you will start to build a bigger and more devoted audience. You will become the go-to person for your particular niche. Now go to the authors that you like and admire the most, and determine how they are differentiating and positioning themselves and their books. You most likely already know how to differentiate and position yourself - but have simply been afraid to make such a commitment. But by exploring how other authors are doing it, you will quickly see how simple a process it can be.

Book Review - Which Bible Should You Buy? A Quick Look at 8 Options

There are a variety of quality bibles to choose from in the market place today. Looking for the right one to meet your needs should be done before you start shopping for one. Here are 8 options from which you can choose to better help you find the right bible to minister to your spiritual needs.

1. The Basic Reference Bible. This one has the text along with reference notes that reflects you to other scriptures that speak that reiterates and support what you are reading. Typically they have a concordance / dictionary included with a couple of maps in the back. This one is great for anyone who is looking for a no-frills, working reference bible.

2. The Text Bible. This bible does not include any references or maps. It is generally used as a "pew bible" in churches.

3. The Thin-line / Ultra Thin Bible. This one is like the reference bible but typically has Thinner pages and is than 1 inch thick. Portability is its calling card.

4. The Devotional Bible. This one has short devotions placed through the chapters or segments of scripture that draw attention to a certain verse or theme and expound on the theme or verse. Great for daily reflection / meditation on the scriptures.

5. The Parallel Bible. This one includes more than one version / translation in it. Generally there are only 2 translations included but can contain as many as 4. The translations are placed side by side for easy comparison. Great bible for getting a second / different view of the meaning of the text.

6. The Chronological Bible. This one places all of the events in the order in which they chronologically occurred. This allows you to see a time-line of events. This bible does not work well as reference or "follow-along" bible because books and scripts have been taken out of their original order.

7. The Study Bible. This one is good for studying scripture and typically has commentaries notes on the bottom of the page. These notes are written by one author for example; Scofield study bible This is the classic study bible for the ages. Some study bibles have the notes written by the people who worked on the translation of that version or were theologians who have an expertise in certain books of the bible.

8. The Themed Bible. This one has a basic theme to them, such as women's interests or men's interests. A good example of this is the women's devotional bible. This one has devotions that appeal directly to women's interests and how scripture applications to them. Leather bibles, imitation leather bibles, cloth bibles, are just a few of the types of covers available in this bible.

Whatever your interests are, there is a bible to meet your needs and study preferences. Price certainly is a factor, but consider the time you will be spending with the bible you choose and what type best fits your needs before making a decision. May you find the best bible to help you grow in your faith!

Auto Accessories for Your Car's Interior

Customizing your autos interior can give you that unique amazing look that you want and need to stand out from the crowd. There are several different products with many colors and looks to choose from. So turn your ride into something for your friends envy!

Aluminum dash kits can make the interior of your car classy and stylish. Not only does it give the original boring dash a real high-class and expensive look, you'll have friends and relatives begging you for the "dealership" that you bought the aluminum dash kit from.

The new style of the aluminum dash kits reflects the new modern stainless steel craze that everyone is replacing their ordinary home furnishings with. Customizing your car with this state-of-art feature will give your car a make-over that it has needed since the time that you bought it. The aluminum dash kit is not only a car-enthusiasts dream which would make the perfect present but it also doesn't hit you where it hurts the most, the pockets!

Warning: Aluminum dash kits will result in Extreme cases of jealous friends!!

Installation can be completed within an hour and you don't need any experts. All you need is your two hands and a little concentration.

Do you want the words impressing, dominance and luxurious running through your head every time you step inside your car? Install an aluminum dash kit and watch your car transform before your eyes.

Don't let the enhancements stop there, the interior of your vehicle will not be complete until you get these aluminum diamond plate floor mats. These floor mats will extend the life of your vehicle's floor. With precise engineering and quality-manufactured material, these Aluminum Diamond Plate Floor Mats are immune to dirt, grease and snow. Stunning and durable in all weather. The use of these floor mats insures that your carpet will stay as clean as the day you purchased your auto. If you have neon lighting under the dashboard these mats will create a spectacular reflection at night that the will dazzle anyone that sees.

Once you have the mats placed in your ride you will want to finish of the look down there with some custom pedals. Pedals don't seem like much but when you think about it, they are the one thing that connects you to your engine. Look at the pedals you have now, are they plain, stock, maybe boring. Its time to upgrade. The choices are practically unlimited, take a look at some I found. Pedals are made from many types of materials, carbon fiber and aluminum are the most popular. Installing pedals is an easy way to customize the interior of your car and give a sporty look to your floor board. They are made to fit just about every model of vehicle. It only takes a few minutes and when your done you will be connected to your engine with some stylish pedals.

The time is coming where you want your car to be in tip top condition. Where better to start than on the interior, after all this is where you spend all your time while driving. It might as well be as pleasing to you as it is astonishing to everyone else.

Bargain Stoves - Heat To Save You Money

Bargain stoves can save you money. There are many companies which produce wood burning stoves. Many of them offer great discounts but the real savings comes from the heating they provide. Here's more details.

A wood burning stove is designed to burn wood or coal and provide heat as well cooking capabilities. There are many places who produce these kinds of products and the prices vary widely.

A stove of this type is normally produced from cast iron and they are very durable and of high quality. Therefore the prices can range from $ 200 to $ 1,000 depending upon construction and features.

The best stoves are sealed and can provide the maximum heating efficiency. This means that they can give off the most amount of heat with the smallest amount of wood necessary.

Many people have purchased these wood burning stoves and used them to heat a portion of their homes. These stoves can provide a great deal of warmth and do not require a lot of wood to do so. The logs burn slowly and emit a great deal of heat over time.

Many of these stoves have an effective blower system and they can heat 1,000 sq ft or more. This means they can heat almost an initial first floor or a typical three bedroom home.

This can result in significant energy savings since the home will require much less assistance from central heaters. So you can keep your home toasty warm all winter with these bargain stoves you can find from a variety of online sources on the Internet.

Secrets To Keeping Your Car Looking Like New For 10 Years

Most personal finance experts would agree that keeping your vehicle for up to 10 years is a good economical decision. The economics of keeping a vehicle that long are overwhelmingly convincing. So why is it so rare to find someone who owns the same car that long? After all, today most cars will keep working long after a couple hundred thousand miles. So, why do people keep buying a new car when there is nothing wrong with the one they have? Peer pressure? Maybe it looks out of date? This might be true, especially when the new edition undergoes major styling changes. Maybe it is because people start worrying about the likelihood of a major mechanical problem.

We have found that if you can keep it looking new through a proven strategy it will be much more difficult to make that new car purchase. So what can be done to slow down the aging process? How can a car be used on a regular basis and not age. There is no one particular activity, but rather several things that contribute to a common goal. The following is a list of ways to keep the appearance of your car looking like new.

1. By far, the number one way to keep your vehicle looking like new is to KEEP IT IN THE GARAGE AT NIGHT. Most people think the damage results from the grueling midday heat and dust that bake the dirt into the paint and plastic, however, the most destructive time is at night, when the cool moisture condensates on the surface of the car. This is the source of the problem. We live in a basin here in Los Angeles which is packed with automobiles moving about all day. The exhaust, pollution and road grime, rise up into the atmosphere during the hot days and are suspended there until the cool sea air moves in and captures the pollution in the moisture that will condensate on the car. That morning dew sitting on the horizontal surfaces of the vehicle is a sulfur /acidy toxic cocktail of all the junk in our air. It eats into the paint, the trim around the doors, yellows headlights and destroys the rubber parts. No test lab can recreate that! The moisture is not horribly bad, but if this process is done every night for 5 to 8 years, it will take its toll on the exterior.

2. Keep the vehicle under an overhang at night. The next best thing to a garage would be to keep the vehicle from getting dew on it at night. Reread the reason in the paragraph above. The next best long term protection is the overhang. (Car covers are helpful when the vehicle will sit at the airport for 2 weeks or in your driveway for a week. As a daily defense, it is a good idea, but with time it is a hassle as well as too dirty to put on the car. )

3. Regular waxing. Regular waxing is every 3 to 4 months or every 5,000 miles. So by the time your vehicle has 20,000 miles on it, it should have 4 coats of wax. Waxing gives the car a micro thin layer of protection from the elements. As the vehicle gets older, the attention to the exterior should increase. Occasionally, the paint should be polished to restore clarity to the surface. Polishing the paint every 1 1/2 years or ever 15,000 miles will increase the life of the wax, and maintain the paint in top condition.

4. Regular washes on the exterior will keep the vehicle free of dust and contaminants. The longer dirt and dust sit on the paint, the more likely it will start to adhere to the surface.

5. Paint protection film by 3M is the best way to keep the paint rock chip free. By applying this film to the bumper and hood, it will defend the original vehicle paint from damage. This film is removable and does not have any long term effect to the paint. Conceivably, this film could be removed in 10 years after installation, and the paint would look like the day it came off the assembly line. Truly the best long term solution for the everyday driver.

6. Window tint. Protect the interior from fading and drying out with a lifetime warranty film. During the day, the vehicles interior is vulnerable to the harmful effects of the suns UV Rays. Window tint blocks out 100% of the ultraviolet rays. It also reduces the internal heat and cuts down on glare. With regular interior detailing and window tint, the interior will look like the day it was installed. Also, window tint improves the comfort of the passenger and drivers.

7. Biannual cleaning of the motor will ensure proper visibility of fluid levels. It can improve preventative maintenance inspection and keeps the motor running cooler. Furthermore, mechanics respect a clean motor and are more likely to clean up after themselves.

8. Periodic removal of small door dings and dents. The cost of keeping your doors "ding" free is really reasonable and the process of Paintless Dent Removal is non invasive. It is impossible to keep a daily driver from eventually getting a door ding, but the good news is that they can be messaged out and restored to its original position. No painting or bondo is necessary and the vehicle maintains its original factory paint.

9. Deep cleaning Detail. Every 1.5 to 2 years the vehicle should get a complete detail. Most people will wait until the vehicle is so bad, something has to be done. For a potted plant, that is the equivalence of waiting until the leaves are turning brown before it gets watered.

10. Achieving a like new vehicle after 10 years will require preemptive or preventive care. Scheduled detailing appointments over a 1 year time period will help to keep the vehicle on track. The paint job cannot remind you it needs waxing. So do not wait until you notice the car getting a little shabby before you act. Lastly, the mechanical part of the vehicle is just as important. We strongly recommend the adherence to all schedule mechanical maintenance.

New Book Offers How-To on America's Most Flexible Money-Making Opportunity

In his new book, Driving Profits and Making Bank, Jonathan Wong walks would-be rideshare drivers through what he calls, "America's easiest and most flexible money-making opportunity." Based upon Wong's own experiences driving for Uber and Lyft, but also drawing upon a great deal of research into other rideshare companies as well as compatible businesses, this book is packed with everything you would ever need to know to become a rideshare driver. Honestly, I couldn't believe how thorough this book was and all the ins and outs of the rideshare business Jonathan illuminates, plus the countless tips he offers as an experienced driver that will make your solopreneur venture all the more successful.

Yes, when you're a rideshare driver, you're a solopreneur. You are basically a contract worker operating your own business. That means, as Jonathan points out, that you can set your own hours, work as much or little as you want, and work for more than one rideshare company at a time if you so wish.

That said, you can also derive a lot of benefits by contracting with rideshare companies. Jonathan walks readers through how to take advantage of "surge" times-periods when it can be super-busy so you get paid more. Rideshare companies also offer bonuses for referring other drivers to them. In addition, you have a captive audience to whom you can sell your other products or services, such as if you're a massage therapist or you want to sell tourist guides or T-shirts out of your vehicle. (One rideshare driver made over $250,000 in one year just by selling jewelry while driving.) Jonathan also walks you through the art of soft-selling to your customers so you don't annoy them and they don't rate you poorly on the rideshare platforms. Finally, there are the benefits of freedom-besides working your own hours, you can eat lunch whenever and wherever you want, you get to meet interesting people, and you may even discover new places in the areas where you drive.

Of course, like any job, being a rideshare driver has its downside. There are hiccups to the system that Jonathan walks you through, and he teaches you how to take advantage of working for more than one rideshare company to offset any slow times. He also gives sound advice on what to do if you have no shows, difficult passengers, such as drunks, drug-users, or belligerent people, and how to cooperate with law enforcement officers so they are your friends rather than your enemies.

I was amazed by everything there is to know if you want to be a rideshare driver. Some of what Jonathan says may be common sense, but not necessarily something you would think of before you enroll as a rideshare driver. Jonathan explains all the eligibility requirements you will have to meet and those your car will need to meet. He also explains how you can earn extra money depending on your car's make and model and how luxurious it is. He also explains what to do if you need to use the restroom, the importance of keeping your car clean and your trunk empty, and even when you may need to contact a potential rider to determine whether the requested ride is worth your while.

Even more important, since rideshare workers are self-employed, Jonathan walks you through ways to set up your own business to ensure you're covered with insurance and protected from liability, what you need to know to be able to pay your taxes, tips on setting up retirement plans, and all the basics to ensure your long-time financial success.

The back of the book includes appendices that list various apps you can use to enhance your rideshare venture and improve your chances for business success. Numerous other resources are also included, and there are even referral codes to take advantage of.

Driving Profits and Making Bank is the perfect book for anyone who might be interested in being a rideshare driver. It will tell you everything you need to know before you begin and will be your best friend even after you become a driver because you will want to continue exploring the many possibilities that exist for increasing your income while driving. In short, this book is encyclopedic in its resources. Buying and reading it may turn out to be the best investment you've made in yourself since getting your driver's license.

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