



Friday, November 16, 2018

Advanced Mobile SEO TIPS For Mobile Marketing

In 2016, Google introduced the mobile-first index system to provide the best user experience for their mobile users by prioritizing mobile-friendly websites. This new indexing system will first look into the mobile version of your website to determine the ranking. Websites without a mobile version or poorly optimized mobile websites will drop out even further in search engine results pages (SERPs). But, the good news is this Mobile SEO is simple and easy to do yourself tasks.

Advanced Mobile SEO Tips for Mobile Marketers:

Mobile SEO is nothing than a conventional SEO, creating content and tagging to make it stand out online. These white-hat mobile SEO tips will help you to avoid search engine penalties and maintain better online visibility.

1. Google My Business: mobile online marketing.

One of the most important and effective mobile marketing move that business owners can do is signing up for Google My Business account. It is free and simple, by filling the information to the best of your ability and add more possible pictures of your business. When people searching for the keyword that is related to your business, there is more likely to visible your 2nd information first. So, think of using it for mobile marketing.

2. Using social media:

According to reports, average mobile users spending their 80% of the time on social media of the total times they are spending on the mobile. These social media sites bring a huge amount of traffic to your website. So, to improve visibility to mobile users, priorities your social media marketing strategy. The frequency of posting, Quality of content and optimized social media campaign will help your brand stands out. Also, read our Content Marketing Guide.

3. Take advantage of plug-ins for mobile SEO:

If your website uses WordPress or another content management system (CMS). you can use various plug-ins to improve your mobile site more user-friendly. One of the popular CMS, WordPress offers a large number of plug-ins to optimize images, improve speed and take care of other important mobile SEO factors.

WPtouch is the popular universal WordPress plug-in that will create a Google-approved mobile version of your website. If you can't afford a professional to update and optimize your website, try these plug-ins to build a mobile-friendly website and improve visibilities.

4. Use keywords for mobile users:

It is proven that mobile users search differently than other desktop users. Optimize your content for mobile keyword search phrases to show up your content to the right people. Find the right tools to find the right keywords for your content, you can find keyword comparisons by the device in Google's Search Console.

5. Improve page loading time:

When it comes to mobile SEO, page loading time is the most important issue. There are many factors that define the page loading time. Gzip compression, Image optimization and using Google AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages), there are some tools and plug-ins to perform this tasks and improve the faster loading of mobile web pages.

Final Words:

Digital marketing trend changed the whole scenario of marketing. Mobile SEO is becoming a most essential task for all bloggers and webmasters for mobile marketing.

Paper Thin Skin - How to Thicken Your Skin and Bring Back Its Youthful Strength and Flexibility

Paper thin skin is a real thing.

It isn't just your imagination: After years of aging and lack of the right nutrients, your skin really does get thinner and thinner. The fat under the skin is lost. Much worse, you lose collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid, all essential to a healthy complexion. Oxidation damages and ages your skin.

Here is an explanation of how it happens, and how you can thicken and rebuild paper thin skin.

What you notice first

If you have been saying, "My skin is paper thin," you have probably had a series of bumps, bruises and scrapes. Your skin bruises at every little bump that most people would hardly notice. (Sometimes you can't even recall getting a bump, but you have a nasty bruise anyway.) If you scrape your knee even a little, your skin peels away as if you had a major accident.

This isn't just a problem of appearance. When your skin is this delicate, it is also easily infected, and takes much longer to heal. You may well need medical care for a wound that would hardly bother someone with healthy skin.

What causes the problem

The problem is skin aging. That does NOT mean simply getting older. Some people get super-thin, easily wounded skin long before middle age. Often this is because of long-term use of medical steroids. Generally these drugs are given because of a chronic health condition.

Regardless of the contributing factors, aging skin has specific causes -- and passing time is not one of them! Fortunately, all the most important causes of aging skin can be reversed.

Supplements can help your skin and your overall health, too.

Look for a supplement that contains at least 30 mg of SAMe (S-Adenosyl-Methionine) and at least 50 mg of Carnosine. SAMe is a wonderful nutrient involved in a key process called methylation; Carnosine stops glycation, which destroys healthy proteins, including collagen and elastin; Carnosine also has the unique ability to halt glycation which has already begun.

The other supplement that has a powerful record for skin health and repair is omega 3 fish oil. A just-introduced omega 3 fish oil contains the antioxidant astaxanthin, and a lycopene extract. The lycopene complex in this oil has been shown in clinical trials to actually thicken skin, add density, and dramatically reduce scaling and roughness -- both very common in aging skin.

Skin care lotion or cream

Several ingredients in skin care lotion or cream have a proven clinical record of reversing the causes of aging skin. They can thicken and toughen skin and renew its flexibility, month after month. Here are some of the best:

-- Cynergy TK stimulates the skin's own natural production of collagen and elastin. It increased new skin cell production by 160 percent and improved skin elasticity by 42 percent in trials with human volunteers. It also reduced inflammation and had powerful antioxidant qualities.

-- A seaweed extract called Phytessence Wakame allowed the skin to rebuild its hyaluronic acid levels. In trials, it did this by blocking 52 percent of the action of an enzme that degrades hyaluronic acid.

-- If the product contains Coenzyme Q10 in tiny particles, often called a "nano-emulsion," it can penetrate the skin deeply. In general, other forms of CoQ10 are not well absorbed. With natural vitamin E, CoQ10 makes perhaps the most powerful antioxidant combination in healthy skin.

See my website for more on toughening and thickening paper thin skin.

Four Types of Pre Employment Checks Typically Carried Out By Financial Institutions

There are four types of pre employment checks typically carried out by financial institutions on their prospective employees. The necessity to carry out these intensive checks is in the fact that the employees historically hired by the financial institutions end up being put in charge of other people's money. Yet it is recognized that only a person of very high integrity would take care of another person's money, without getting tempted to get his or her hands into the till. That is especially the case keeping in mind the fact that the sums of money handled in some situations can be very mouthwatering.

In the final analysis, there are (as indicated earlier) four types of employment checks typically carried out by financial institutions in a bid to ensure that they only hire trustworthy people of high moral standing. Those include:

1. Criminal record checks. The idea is to ensure that criminals do not find their way into financial institutions. Government's law enforcement agencies are therefore requested to provide the hiring financial institutions with a list of previous criminal charges against the applicants, as well as the cases of the trials (if the issues were historically for trial). Take note that in some cases, an indictment may be enough to deny you employment, even if you were not ever convicted. The idea is to ensure that the highest standards are upheld. In most cases, it is only the people with totally untarnished names who stand any chance of getting hired.

2. Educational record checks. The idea is to ensure that only people with proper qualifications get hired. But in the process, a moral angle comes up: because if it emerges that one cave false information on educational qualifications (in the course of independent verification for educational records), then it would be evident that that is not a person of integrity. Indeed, a person like that would have apt to falsify clients' financial records for personal gain when opportunity arises. It is widely appreciated that not all criminals have criminal records (seeing that some are 'too clever' to be taken or suspected), because the need for counter-checks which may still reveal people with criminal tendencies. And anyone who can forge or otherwise falsify an educational certificate is definitely a criminal who has no business whatever working in the financial system.

3. Credit checks. The idea here is to check a person's financial proprietary. Several factors inform the need for this sort of checks. First of all, it is appreciated that if you put a person with major financial problems in charge of other people's money, he or she may be tempted to steal. Secondly, if you put a financially irresponsible person in charge of other peoples' money, he or she is not likely to take proper care of it. For these reasons, credit checks are carried out on almost all people seeking to work in financial institutions.

4. Previous employment checks. The objective here is to avoid having irresponsible workers. But in the process, other issues may be unearthed. It is to be appreciated that out of fear for bad publicity, many financial institutions do not report in-house frauds, especially where the people involved show willingness to make reparations. But they usually fire the people involved, and show willingness to (confidently) share what they know about such people with future employers who may show interest in the same. It is out of appreciation for these factors we see many financial institutions seeking confidential references from previous employers, as part of their pre employment checks, before hiring 'experienced bankers.'

How to Know If a Woman's Attracted: The 5 Signals

Maybe she's that waitress at the local café. Or maybe she's a coworker or classmate or even the friend you've always secretly had a crush on. Regardless who she is, if you like her, then you want to know if the feeling's mutual.

Lucky for you, all women give off signals when they're attracted. Most guys never pick up on these signals. If you don't know what you're looking for, you could easily overlook these secret signals, as well. And you probably already have. You have probably let countless women slip through your fingers in the past because you failed to see the signals.

But you're never going to make that mistake again. By learning the 5 most common-but least understood-signals of female attraction, you are prepared to get the girl. Just look for 1 of these 5 signals, and then make your move. It's as simple as that!

1.) She says your name a lot in conversation

If you find a woman saying your name in conversation, there's a good possibility she has feelings for you. When someone has feelings for another person, the sound of that person's name gives them a little emotional rush. (Just think of children in the schoolyard writing their crush's name in their notebooks!) While adults don't skip around the playground and chant their crush's name, they do unconsciously say it whenever they can. So if she says your name a lot, there's a good chance she's attracted to you.

2.) She fidgets with her hair

When a woman plays with her hair, it often means she's turned on. It's a grooming reflex: primate females groom themselves for males before mating. (If you want proof, just go to your local zoo!) Thus, if you catch a woman stroking her hair as she talks to you, it means you're probably arousing her interests.

3.) She breaks eye contact first

Poets say the eyes are the windows to the soul. Well, her eyes are also a window into her feelings. It's a well known fact that eye contact signifies confidence. And confidence is nothing more than comfort in one's status. So, for example, if you were training some new entry level employees at your job, then you'd probably feel very confident in holding strong eye with all of them. If, however, you were having a business with your boss' boss, then you probably wouldn't feel as comfortable maintaining strong eye contact (since your boss' boss has higher status). Likewise, if you notice a woman continually breaking eye contact first, she's probably nervous with attraction for you.

4.) She gets carried away with emotion sometimes around you

A major misconception most guys have of women is that they need to "like" you to feel attraction. Just think of all the bad boys who do amazing with women! Now, you don't need to become a "bad boy" just to attract women; however, you shouldn't be discouraged is a woman isn't always in a peachy mood around you. In fact, it's better if she's not! A woman would never waste her emotions on a guy she didn't like. So if she sometimes gets frustrated with you or even angry at you, it's a good thing.

5.) She speaks in the future tense about you

Here's a very subtle-but very powerful-attraction signal that women give off. If a woman's interested in you, she'll make comments about seeing you in the future. It's important to note that none of these signals will be overt; instead, they'll be little offhanded comments like, "Are you going to x, y, z event next week?" If a woman is asking such questions, it's a telltale sign that you're on her mind.

Why Do You Want To Lead? What Are Your MOTIVES?

You belong to a particular organization, and are inspired by something or someone, to pursue a position of leadership. Although, another individual, may think or believe, you are the right person, to accumulate some position, only if / when, you truly believe, you have the right stuff, and can make a meaningful difference, for the better, should you pursue it. Open - your - eyes, widely, and take a long, deep, objective, introspective look, and ask yourself, why you want to lead, this particular group, at this point, in time. Take the extra time, and, be, as certain as you can be, that, you are the right person. Be certain you consider your personal MOTIVES, and they are pure, focused on the common good, rather than any self - interests or personal agenda. With that in mind, this article will attempt, to briefly, examine, consider, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, why we would have better leaders, if each, would do so, before proceeding.

1. Mention; meeting of minds; motivating: If you need to be thanked, or believe one's position, demands respect, you're probably wrong, for the task ahead. Rather, quality leaders endeavor to mention, thank and appreciate the efforts of others. Will you seek finding and serving the common good, avoid favoring your self - interests? Will you set the example, which inspires and motivates others to follow, and be more involved? Will your leadership be motivating?

2. Options; opportunities; open - mind; opinions: Are you willing to respect others opinions, while having the self - confidence, to step forward, and clearly articulate your opinions and ratione? Will you be open - minded, willing to listen and consider options and alternatives, in order to recognize meaningful opportunities?

3. Timely: Procrastination is the greatest obstacle to quality leadership. One must listen, learn, empathize, fully consider, and then take personal responsibility, to introduce and take timely actions.

4. Ideas; integrity; interesting; inspire; ideology: Consider and embrace your group's ideology, mission, and vision, and inspire others, by making it, interesting, and relevant, to them. Never sacrifice absolute integrity, for the sake of expediency. Will you commit to the responsibility of inspiring, those you serve.

5. Vision; value; values: Are you motivated by a vibrant vision, which will matter to others, because it provides genuine value, while aligning with your organization's values?

6. Empathy; excellence; endurance; efforts: Listen, and learn, from every conversation, and experience, and demand your highest level of personal excellence. Will your efforts focus on providing quality, and will you persist, with the endurance, to overcome obstacles, and implement solutions, for the better.

7. System; sustainable solutions; service: How will you leave your group, stronger, than when you began. Will you prioritize, service? Will you perceive and conceive of, and implement, a system, to provide, the finest, sustainable solutions?

No one, should let others, pressure him, into entering leadership. What are your true MOTIVES?

Getting More Traffic to Your Website or Blog

There is a very common question that anyone who has a website or a blog has and this has to do with getting more leads and even traffic. There are many options that are being offered today to get rock solid traffic, and sometimes you can even make money while you are at it.

Creating more value for the prospective target

This is a great question that you should ask yourself. Value can be defined as a resource. This could be an article, a video or even a blog that is aimed at solving problems. The prospects are people who are more likely to work with the business and even sell the products as well. You need to make the offers more attractive to the prospective customers to encourage them to buy.

If you have some capital

If you can, you should invest in the business. You could hire a coach who has the kind of success that you may have always desired. This can have a great impact on your lifestyle and your life too.

You also need to learn more about the per click kind of advertising. You can use social media and use the available online courses that can help you apply this successfully to your blog or website.

You should also take time to invest in some long-term decisions. Take your time to strategize. It may not pick as quickly as you would like but the time taken to build your business will be very worthwhile in the end.

If you do not have any capital

You can try making money from the people that you want to emulate. You can achieve this through network marketing or use affiliate sales and programs. There are up lines that can offer some free coaching if you prove to be serious.

You need to create content every day. This should always be value driven by the target prospects. This will keep them interested and fully engaged at all times.

You also need to reach out to the market and to people in the social media platforms as well as on the offline meetings. If you are not conversant about prospecting, there are available resources that can prove helpful online. When you follow the plans well and diligently, you will be able to get waves of rock-solid traffic eventually. You will notice that your sales and leads will grow quite a lot as you follow the steps.

The best thing about using solid traffic is the fact that this is usually real people who are hyperactive responsive and they can show interest in hearing more about what you offer. When you have the best traffic source, you can access a large inventory that guarantees consistency and quality. With the best providers, you simply place the order and then let them take care of the conversions and the traffic. Optimization is very important in such a case. Having a great traffic source can work really well for you and your business.

A Comparison Between The Java IDEs: Netbeans and Eclipse

Unlike other general-purpose programming languages, Java is used widely by developers for building desktop, web, and mobile applications. But developers frequently look for smart integrated development environments (IDEs), frameworks, and tools to write applications in Java efficiently and rapidly. The developers can further write code quickly and efficiently by using an array of Java IDEs. Both NetBeans and Eclipse are hugely popular Java IDEs.

Despite being open source, NetBeans is the official IDE for Java platform. The features and tools provided by NetBeans enable developers to build a variety of desktop, web, and mobile applications with Java 8. The IDE further supports an array of technologies - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and C/C++ - in addition to Java. The editors, analyzers and converters provided by NetBeans further make it easier for programmers to upgrade their legacy applications to the latest version of Java.

Eclipse is written in Java, and designed with features to simplify Java application development. The developers can further extend the IDE easily by using a variety of plug-ins. They can further use specific plug-ins to develop applications by integrating Java with other popular programming languages including Ruby, Perl, PHP, Scala and Groovy. Also, Eclipse is an open source IDE, and supported by an active community. Hence, it becomes essential for developers to compare NetBeans and Eclipse based on their key features and functionality.

Understanding Important Differences between NetBeans and Eclipse

Java 8 Support: The version 8 of Java comes with several new features and enhancements including lambda expressions, new date/time API, and integrated Nashhorn JavaScript Engine. Hence, many developers prefer writing applications in Java 8 to avail the new features in Java 8. NetBeans is the official Java IDE, and supports Java SE 8 fully. On the other hand, Eclipse implements the new Java 8 language enhancements through Eclipse Compiler for Java (ECJ). The developers have to follow a series of steps to take advantage of the new language features provided by Java 8.

Java 8 Migration: Oracle recommends Java developers to use NetBeans. Hence, NetBeans support the latest version of Java almost immediately after its release. Also, it provides an array of tools to make it easier for developers to migrate their legacy applications to the most recent version of Java. The developers can avail the code editors, analyzers, and converters provided by NetBeans to move their applications to Java 8 quickly and smoothly. But Eclipse does not provide any robust tools to simplify Java 8 migration.

Number of Plug-ins: Eclipse scores over NetBeans in the category of plug-ins. Many developers opt for Eclipse to add functionalities to the application easily by availing the plug-ins provided by it. However, the developers often have to use several third-party plug-ins for Eclipse. The quality and performance of these third-party plug-ins differ. On the other hand, NetBeans enables users to avail a set of stable and quality plug-ins.

User Interface: The user interface of NetBeans is designed based on, whereas the user interface of Eclipse is designed based on SWT. Swift is a Java native lightweight toolkit, whereas SWT is a Java for the underlying toolkit of the system. Many developers find the user interface of NetBeans to simpler and friendlier than the user interface of Eclipse. The simple user interface of NetBeans further makes it easier for beginners to learn and use the IDE without putting extra time and effort. But the Java programmers have to put extra time and effort to work with Eclipse efficiently.

Configuration: NetBeans comes with several built-in out-of-box functionalities. The out-of-box functionality enables users to configure the IDE quickly, and accomplish basis programming tasks without any delay. But Eclipse is not designed with many out-of-box functionalities. The users have to install and configure Eclipse plug-ins to accomplish common tasks and build applications efficiently. These plug-ins make it difficult for beginners to configure and use the IDE within a short amount of time.

Working with Other Programming Languages: Both Java IDEs enable developers to work with other popular technologies and programming languages. NetBeans supports HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and C/C++ along with Java. Likewise, Eclipse also allows programmers to integrate Java with a number of popular programming languages including Python, Perl, PHP, Groovy and Scala. But NetBeans is designed as a tool-based IDE, and enables programmers to work with other technologies through specific projects. Eclipse requires programmers to install and configure specific plug-ins to work with individual technologies. Hence, Java developers find it easier to work with other programming languages while using NetBeans.

Support for Maven: Both NetBeans and Eclipse support Maven - a widely used project management tool. The complete build lifecycle framework provided by Maven makes it easier for programmers o automate the entire build infrastructure. But many programmers find it easier to work with Maven while using NetBeans. They can run Maven goals directly inside NetBeans. Likewise, they can use a console to view the output of Maven commands directly in NetBeans. NetBeans further makes it easier for users to update Maven dependencies, launch Maven builds, and create new Maven projects.

Android App Development: Java programming language is used widely for developing mobile apps for Android - the mobile platform with largest worldwide market share. The statistics posted on various websites depict that most Android app developers prefer Eclipse to NetBeans. In addition to being simple and fast, Eclipse also provides a standard UI toolkit - Swing - which can be integrated seamlessly into the Android applications. Also, a wide variety of plug-ins provided by Eclipse SDK make it easier for developers to build robust Android apps without putting extra time and effort. However, NetBeans also provides several features and tools to simplify Android app development.

Source Code Formatting: Both Java IDEs have the capability to automatically format the source code of application written in Java. But many programmers find the Java code formatter provided by Eclipse to be more efficient than the code formatting options provided by NetBeans. While using Eclipse, the programmers can invoke the Java code formatter directly by using the shortcut C-S-F. Hence, they can format the Java code in a flexible and efficient way.

On the whole, both NetBeans and Eclipse are open source and cross platform Java IDEs. But Eclipse is supported by IBM, whereas NetBeans is supported by Oracle. Each IDE provides several innovative features and tools to simplify and speedup Java application development. But the developers must evaluate the pros and cons of each Java IDE according to the specific needs of each project.

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