



Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Self Promotion For Artists - Become Your Own Publicist

If you want to make a living from your art or craft, you must learn to promote it. Fortunately, the Internet has leveled the playing field, so to speak. Years ago, you had to either hire a Publicist or get a degree in marketing. Now, for a small investment of money and time, you can start your own blog and launch your own PR campaign. You no longer have to rely on someone else to market your creations for you.

With a blog, you can create something in the morning and show it off in the afternoon. Free Twitter and Facebook accounts will let you tell the world when you've posted something new. Both will have a ripple effect. You tell all your friends, they tell all of their friends and so on down the line until you have complete strangers coming to your blog to see your latest creations. And this happens 24 hours a day, whether you are awake or asleep. Even if you are on vacation, your blog is still open for business.

WordPress has made it easy for anyone to publish a blog. You install the software, a theme, some plugins and you are ready to go. You can choose an E-commerce Theme that will enable you to sell directly from your blog, without struggling with shopping cart software. Or pick a specialized Portfolio Themes and build your own Art Gallery. The possibilities are only limited by your imagination.

You can create pages with your marketing materials - your artist's statement, your background and training, if applicable. Post a picture of your studio so people will feel connected to you. Give prospective buyers the history of your work and they'll love re-telling the story to their friends when they are complimented on their excellent taste in art. It is easier to buy something on the Internet when you know a little about the person you're dealing with, a personal touch in an increasingly impersonal world.

Starter Clicks But Engine Does Not Turn Over - Tech in Trunk?

If the car's starter clicks and the engine does not turn over, this could be caused by several things. The most common cause of clicking when the car is being started is a low battery. Most people would assume that the starter is bad if it only clicks, but low-voltage can cause the starter to make this sound.

The battery is the heart of the starting and electrical system. If the battery has been drained or has a weak cell, this can cause the starter to only click. Many times the battery could just be drained due to a door left slightly open, making the dome light stay on. Other times a vanity light or a phone charger could be left on. During my time as a master auto technician, I've had a trustworthy co-worker close me up in the trunk so I could make sure the trunk light went off when the trunk was closed!

In order to test the battery it must have a good charge. If the battery is not charged completely the tester will indicate that it needs to be charged before testing can proceed. The first step when checking the starter and electrical system is to make sure the battery is in good condition. Most parts stores will check batteries for free. Once it's determined the battery is good the rest of the system can then be checked. Loose or corroded connections can also cause a clicking and for the car not to start.


The starter solenoid on many Ford vehicle's is on the inner fender well, on most other vehicles the starter solenoid will be mounted on the starter. The clicking that is heard many times is the solenoid. But low-voltage either from a drained battery, bad battery or poor connections can cause this. Most of the time if the vehicle can be jump-started the starter is okay. This would also indicate that the connections to the starter are good.


Once the vehicle is running the alternator output can be checked. If the alternator is not charging the battery, it will be drained during the process of starting the car and driving. When the alternator is checked, the voltage and amperage output can be measured. Also the diode pattern will be checked to make sure the alternator will not drain the battery when the engine is turned off. In the past do-it-yourselfers could disconnect the battery while the vehicle is running to check the alternator, if the car kept running the alternator was good. Doing this on computerized vehicles can be harmful. If the battery is disconnected while a computerized vehicle is running the alternator output it can increase sharply allowing excess voltage to spike the computer.


When purchasing a replacement battery the cold cranking amps required for the vehicle should be checked. It's best to purchase a battery with more cold cranking amps than the minimum required. Also when purchasing a battery you should consider if you want maintenance free or not. If the battery is hard to access or has a cover then a maintenance free battery is preferred. For instance on some Chrysler Sebrings and Chevrolet Corvettes the battery is located behind an inner fender and on a Chevrolet SSR. the battery is located underneath the bed where the spare tire would normally go. If installing the battery yourself be sure to notice which side is positive and negative in case you were sold the incorrect battery.


The terminals should be free of damage and should tighten up well. Sometimes especially on import vehicles the battery terminals will be very thin and can have hairline cracks causing a poor connection. Avoid forcing the battery terminals on by tapping them. The battery casing can be damaged causing a leak, if the battery acid seeps out it can cause fast corrosion. If the battery terminal bolts will not tighten, then replacing the terminals is recommended. When the connections are tight you should not be able to twist them by hand.

Guitar Lessons - The I, VIm, IV, V Chord Progression

As you advance on the guitar and learn how to play new songs, you will notice that many "different" songs actually use similar chord progressions. In fact, over time, you will begin to recognize some of the most common various chord progressions when you hear them.

Previously we have discussed one of the most common progressions found in many genres of music, the I, IV, V (1,4,5) chord progression.

You may remember that this progression has its roots in blues music, but is also prevalent in rock, pop, and country music as well. Today we will look at a popular variation of this progression, the: I, VIm, IV, V (1,6m,4,5) chord pattern. This progression could be verbalized as: "one, six minor, four, five"

The numbers, whether stated in terms of Roman Numerals or given a standard numerical value - simply represent the "scale steps" for the "root note" of each chord.

To clarify, let's take a look at the notes in a "C" major scale: C D E F G A B C

By assigning a numerical value to each of these notes, you can begin to identify the root notes of the chords in a chord progression in the key of C.

For example:

C = 1

D = 2

E = 3

F = 4

G = 5

A = 6

B = 7

C = octave (start over)

So by using this example above, if you want to figure out the chord root notes of a I, VIm, IV, V chord progression in the key of C, simply pick out the notes that are on the 1st, 6th, 4th & 5th scale steps of the C major scale.

In this case the notes you would wind up with are: C A F G

Now, take note that the root note for the 6th scale step is "A", but the chord progression calls for a VIm (6m) or "six minor", meaning that the "A" should be played as an Am (A minor). That being said, the I, VIm, IV, V chord progression in the key of C would be as follows: C Am F G

You can now apply this same theory to any key signature. For example, the I, VIm, IV, V chord progression in the key of "G" would be: G Em C D

In the key of "A"... A F#m D E

...and so on.

Play those four chords and see if they sounds familiar to you. They should, you've heard them a million times. This progression was used quite a bit in the pop music of the late 50's and early 60's, and can still be heard in contemporary music of today. You can hear the progression in familiar standards such as:

  • "Stand by Me"

  • "Goodnight Sweetheart"

  • "Sleepwalk"

  • "Hey Baby"

...just to name a few.

Now that you know how to play a I, VIm, IV, V chord progression, take a few minutes to figure out how to play it in various keys and see how many songs you can name that use this popular progression.


Five Traits of a Sales DealMaker

What does a real Dealmaker actually look like? If you're lucky, you'll have one in your team, but can you spot them in the recruitment process? In my research while training, coaching and consulting in the project homes building industry, I have discovered the differences between DealMakers and the poor or inconsistent performers.


There appears to be a level of confidence which all DealMakers have in common. Below this, and they are hesitant to probe too deeply and are not strong closers. Above this, they border on arrogance and are extremely difficult to train as they already think they know best. In fact, they don't think they know, they know they know. Confidence and self-esteem which are too high results in impatience. They get impatient with people very quickly and tend to burn people off and move on. They can also be very critical, and don't think for a moment that this doesn't show in their body language. They can do well however, with hard-nosed business people or no-nonsense investors.

Overly Optimistic

In almost all cases, the DealMakers were over-optimistic of what they can achieve. They will shoot for the stars and expect to get them. Combined with a strong confidence, being overly optimistic seems to lead to increased bouncability and resilience. Add overly optimistic to someone with less confidence and you get less resilience if things don't go their way. It's easier to burst their balloon.

Sales Traits

These three sales traits can be measured- the Persuade, the softer of the traits and indicates a willingness to attempt to change people's minds; the Confront, the problem-solving trait which is usually what people with a technical background use to sell; and the Persist, the trait where they will not give up. Needless to say, all the real DealMakers I have profiled usually have at least two of the sales traits, most are blessed with all three. But some combine a couple of the traits with strong people skills, fuelled with a strong motivation to succeed.


Most of the top DealMakers have natural empathy. This means that people warm and trust them quickly, they build relationships fast, an important trait if you are in a display home. They will also be able to read body language and know almost instinctively how and when to change their approach to get the right result. However, unlike their softer 'Nice Guy' Consultants, they will not let the relationship stand in the way of a deal. They will be upfront about problems but be extremely confident of helping the client solve any problems or obstacles which stand in the way.


The sale process in the building industry is a complex one. And when you add large sums of money and often people's lack of financial intelligence, the insecurity and uncertainty go through the roof. The average person can be indecisive and therefore needs a Consultant who can guide them through the decision-making process. If a Consultant is indecisive, their approach will reflect their own indecisiveness.

It is not uncommon for me to identify someone who does have the sales traits but may have a large number maybe's or unsure answers. Listen to their language as you interview them - are they definite or unsure on their goals. Can they tell you specifically what they are aiming for this year. To date, I have not seen anyone indecisive about themselves and their goals, become a real DealMaker unless they become much more decisive. If they can't tell you specifically and clearly what they want, the chances are they will accept clients indecisiveness as well.

What they're not.

Everybody's friend. It's interesting to note that many of the DealMakers can rub people up the wrong way. This may mean that they may be too assertive for some other internal departments - remember, they won't let relationships get in the way of a deal. But when it comes to clients, they have the people skills to read what is required, and explain away why they are being so strong in their approach. If you don't like their approach, guess what, they don't care. This attitude alone might get you to back off hiring them. Big mistake if you are looking for a DealMaker.

Most of the DealMakers I have interviewed were not organised, and again, cared less. If they cause problems for other departments, that's their problem. DealMakers can talk their way out of those kinds of problems so don't tend to worry about them. Accurate paperwork is simply not a priority for them.

And, they're not good listeners. Actually, they will listen to what ever they think is going to lead to a deal ie a client. But if you're prattling on about systems, paperwork or teamwork, don't expect them to care or remember what you say.

So, they will care about their clients above all else, the deal is everything and they will rub some people up the wrong way and care less. Reckon you can get past this in order to hire a real DealMaker?

Business Retreats - Good for You, Good for Your Business

A business retreat is a holiday location specifically designed to allow corporations to send employees to allow them to pursue business development and / or strategic planning activities in a relaxing and support-filled environment. They are typically geared towards upper-management and CXO level employees, although it is also quite common to hold leadership development and team building weekends at business retreats.

Such retreats are not only good for the continued growth and development of your business - they also provide a relaxing and refreshing environment for attendees to recharge their batteries. A corporate retreat will often provide recreation activities either at the retreat or in the near vicinity. Such activities include things like golf, hiking and swimming. Many retreats (especially those located outside of city limits) will also have a strong focus on providing healthy, nutritious and organic food.

There are a number of business development activities employees who can undertake at such facilities, including:

  • Strategic planning meetings
  • Board or upper management meetings
  • Leadership development activities
  • Team building activities
  • Individual / team coaching

It is easy to see that a Business Retreat is not just an excellent way to ensure your business is moving towards its goals and objectives, but to also ensure that your employees are happy and healthy while doing this. A retreat is an excellent way to reward your most valued (or most senior) employees, helping them to relax and increase their value to your business.

When choosing your venue, make sure you look into more than one option. Calling the director of each is also a necessity to ensure not only that they support your requirements for the retreat, but also that the retreat and its operators suit you and your team. Following these simple guidelines will help you to ensure your next corporate retreat is a success.

Advantages Of Reading Books Online

The online book reading is a great way to enhance and increase your knowledge in 'zero time' as with just a single click of your mouse, you can get what you want! Build a habit of reading from your laptop or iPhone to enjoy more online book reading.

The world is becoming more and more digital and you can grab all important stuff with just a hand movement or a simple mouse 'click.' The traditional method of learning gives way to fresh technology in recent decade or so. No doubt, the importance of paperback printed books is still there, but the newer digital technology revolutionized the reading and learning processes for common users. Let us see a few simple tips to learn online with just one click.

1. Search on Google with the keyword,'online libraries.'

2. Be sure to download PDFs software, usually acrobat or any other PDFs reader of your choice. Well, most of the online libraries offer PDFs format books for both downloading and reading online.

3. There is another option to read in 'text' as a Word document. However, I strongly recommend the PDFs format.

4. Once you download the book of your choice, you can also adjust the zoom settings in the PDFs reader.

5. Read as much as you can for as long as you wish!

6. Lastly, you must have the ultimate fun with this online digital book reading.

It is vital to know that plenty of websites are offering free online book reading. Try clicking as many links as you can. One other aspect is the extensive knowledge, which is shared online. You can find books in different languages and an option to read in your own language. For example, if there is a book in Russian, a classic masterpiece, you can easily convert it into your own language through online choice of language. Most probably, it will be found in English. Obviously, other languages are also there for a much thorough study.

The real fun lies in reading books freely. You have to pay nothing, no time wastage, just a click and your books are downloaded or you can read online. If you are using apple or android technology, you can easily add them or bookmark them in your bookshelf. The available books include Greek literature, English literature and of course World literature. There is another option for downloading academic books, study guides, assignments and other relevant study material. There are other search engines like Yahoo or Bing to try your luck as well, besides Google.

Monday, November 12, 2018

How to Make Money Online Economically

Making money online, online jobs allow you to work from the comfort of your own home. However, many folks fear that the cost of online business is prohibitive. You can earn money online without spending a lot of money to start. Switch on your computer and get to work.

The terms "freelance writer" or "freelance article" and you will get over 14 million sites to start researching.

You will find sites where you can bid on jobs to get paid for writing articles, sites where you can learn how to write article, sites that publish your articles for free. You decide how you want to proceed, you will not have to have a website to write and sell articles just you and your computer and no money is needed to get started, only time and determination.

Tip: If you are not motivated then you will not succeed at anything so get it in your mind to succeed no mater what the cost in terms of learning and writing. Learning how to make money online will require some effort.

Google "sell stuff online" and get 69 million resources.
You can find places that have items for you to sell, places that will take care of the shipping of the products. You can find places to sell your own stuff and places that will sell your stuff if you have access to products.

Tip: In today's market their are a lot of stores with extra inventory that they need to get rid off they do not want to through it away but they can not seem to sell it and it takes up space. I was successful calling and asking for the manager of stores and saying "I was wondering if you had any merchandise you needed to get rid of, I could pay up to fifteen cents on the dollar" then waiting to hear what they said. I got some very good deals some I paid more money for, but you get the idea. One guy found a place to get baseball bats like that and now has a multi-million dollar business online selling overstocked sports equipment.

Google "affiliate marketing" and get 41 million resources. Sell ​​other peoples stuff online and get a commission its straight forward and easy to get started for little or no money. You need a website so go to Google and type in "free Website" for 296 million resources.

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