



Monday, November 5, 2018

Do You Know When to Sell Your Gold and Silver?

The age old questions that many people ask both themselves and us is, "When should I sell?", Or "Is now the time to sell?" As you may already guess, there is no simple pat answer to either of those questions.

In the big picture, one must understand the comprehensive market cycles:

The 3 Phases of this Metals Market:

Phase One (Stealth Phase)

The smart money begins to enter when no one else can see the changes that are coming. These people are the forward-looking type. They are prepared to act upon what they believe. They can see ahead. They are not part of the crowd. This minority are the instigators of change. The crowd never initiates; they only follow what the minimum first instigated!

Phase Two (Wall of Worry Phase - The Present Phase)

Next comes the institutional money such as banks, insurance companies, investment fund companies hedge funds, etc. Also from here emerges those companies and individuals who began in phase one and have now grown much bigger. Companies are now marketing to the mainstream crowd. Plus, there is a rampant talk that the market is in a bubble. Investors and sideliners alike are trying to determine if they should buy, when they should buy, should they sell, is it too late, etc. Worry everywhere!

Phase Three (Mania Phase)

Now even the diehard bears have become believers. Everyone is speaking about the sector, including Joe Average, the Former Naysayer and the Newspaper Boy. Unscrupulous vendors are coming out of the woodwork. The market sees to go nowhere but up. You literally can not lose - and if you do not get in now, you'll be left in the dust forever (sounds like Florida real estate and dot com stocks.) This sector is the greatest time of reward for those who began and did not bail out in phase one or two.

There's Nothing New

It has happened repeatedly before.

In 1982 the smart money was buying into an infant sector of technology companies when no one else was paying any attention. Then, the large institutions and venture capitalists began to enter approximately between the years of 1989 and 1991 still unbeknownst to most. In 1995 the mainstream crowd began to enter the tech stock arena driving the price of this sector to the moon.

In the tech sector, mainstream America did not realize for nearly thirteen years what was simmering and getting ready to explode. By the time most people realized this, it was well underway, and only those who were pre-positioned realized the tremendous gains.

It is no different with the current Precious Metals market we find ourselves in today. The main stream still has not entered. However, it is bubbling away just under the surface ready to explode - just waiting for when the timing is correct for the mainstream crowd - and not a moment before. Just take a realistic look around you. Are friends and colleagues speaking about gold in the same way that people were speaking about the tech sector in the 1990s?

An Unfortunate Truth

Those who bailed out in phase one or phase two will never know what could have been if they had hung in there. However, those who stay the course and hold on with confidence will reap a multiplied return from the efforts of the seeds already sown by those who got out long before.

When You're In, Stay In, When You're Out, Stay Out:

When you have made your decision, whatever it is - stay in or stay out. It's the getting in and out that destroys your potential for large profits and success.

Additional Factors to Consider:

There are key factors one must consider when contemplating whether or not to sell your precious metals. Here is a list to review:

1. How much gold and silver do you own as a percentage of your investments, specifically, how much of each metal?

2. Are you over-weighted in either silver or gold, and do you need to sell one in order to balance your holdings or gain more of the other metal?

3. Do you need to liquidate in order to gain immediate cash for an emergency or alternative cost need? Please note that we frequently loan our clients money and they use their metals to collateralize the loan. If you are simply in a short term need for cash situation we can help with that as well.

4. Where is the market currently and where is it headed in the long term?

Then there are many that do not or have not yet asked those questions. The majority of our clients purchase gold and silver as long-term "hold" investments, anticipating a need to hedge against future inflation and both global and market instability. Many also believe that there is a chance that their metals may reach a time of utility before they even think of selling them. They also purchase them for portfolio diversity and often do not want to lose the additional asset class that their metals provide by selling them.

Computer Based Education System

Computers and communication technology continue to make an ever-increasing impact on all levels, education and training from primary to secondary and for distance learning. The computers in education are designed to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the educational process. Online education has revolutionized the education industry.

Computer managed instruction and curriculum integration are inevitable for educational purposes with the advancement of latest technology. It is important to integrate technology into classroom curriculum to organize resources. Reading and Language Arts, Social Science, Science and Mathematics are the main subjects to be integrated in curriculum.

Issues in educational computing are diversified, having legal issues, ethical issues along with a need to tackle with cyber crime hackers. For this purpose, the educational institutions need to ensure the safety on net. Effective network and telecommunication is an essential requirement for classrooms and laboratory. It is the part and parcel of the school curricula as the computer technology forms a deep impact in the modern education system.

The advantages of computers in education include an efficient storage and rendition of information, quick information processing and very importantly saving of paper! Home works and assignments submitted as soft copies save paper.In the modern era, the students find it easier to refer to the internet than searching for information in reference books. Today, the process of education has gone beyond learning from prescribed books. Moreover, its easier to store information on computers than maintaining hand-written notes! Thus we can say text-books versus computer teaching!

The computer technology has made the dream of distance learning into a reality! Education is no more limited to classrooms but it has reached far and wide. Internet plays an important role in education. The information on various subjects can be found to be taught to the students on internet. Computer facilitates an effective presentation of information. Software like Power-Point, and animation software are of great help to the teachers while delivering information.

Audio-Visual representation of information makes the process of learning interesting and interactive. Electronically erasable memory devices can be used repeatedly. It thus eases the process of learning.

Today, computer is an essential part in every industry. Life without computers would be unimaginable! It is evident that they are no more limited to software industry but computers are widely used in networking, information access, data storage and the processing of information. Therefore, IT experts recommend early introduction of computers in education for early childhood development stage because it lays a strong foundation of most of the major competitive careers.

Computers play a significant role in one's personal and professional life.

Couples Making Love Positions - Positions For Better Love Making

In the Kama Sutra manual, it has recorded different kinds of love making positions that couples can adopt during sex. Some of the love making positions provides higher stimulation than the others and it will be good for you to try them out with your lover.

1. The Clip. This position is very easy to execute and it brings a lot of pleasure to both partners. The man will lie down with his legs outstretched. The woman will sit astride him and lean back, so that the man can play with her clitoris while she controls the thrusting movement. The man can just relaxed and enjoy the intercourse.

2. The 90 Degree. This position is best to be performed on a table, with the woman lying on it and her buttock at the edge of the table. The man will then enter her in a standing position. This position is ideal for the man to caress both her breasts as well as her clitoris. The woman should wrap both her legs onto the man's waist and pull him to towards her. This will cause the pressure to increase, giving both partners stimulating pleasures.

3. The Doggie. This is a classic making love position and it is highly stimulating for both partners. This position starts off with the woman going down on all fours, using her forearms to support herself. The man will enter her from the rear, controlling the thrusting movement with his hips. This position will give a lot of pleasures to both partners as the deep penetration will not only grind and stimulate against the vaginal wall, but also the G-Spot too.

You should explore more love making positions with your partner to spice things up as there may be some other positions that both of you find highly stimulating.

Do you need more lovemaking tips & ideas to enjoy better love making with your lover? Check out the kama sutra website below for more ideas now:

The Significance of Insurance in Our Lives

It is quite certain that you may have already encountered some type of insurance in your life. In the world of adult responsible living, having insurance is frequently a choice many individuals think about, and when you talk about insurance, it normally denotes security or protection. There are several types of insurance presented and one can decide to protect his or her home, travels, and other valuables like jewelry, antiques, and cars. But, such protection is chiefly in a manner of monetary compensation. Thinking aloud, insurance will not really protect you per se but insurance will clearly diminish your financial headaches or even fully compensate you from financial loss, liabilities, and damages.

Other states and countries have certain types of insurance as a mandatory aspect of legally owning something. An apparent and known example for this is automobile insurance. In accordance to the laws of some states, if an individual desires to lawfully own an automobile, there is a least amount of insurance level required for each car that a person or legal entity owns. The mandatory insurance is normally not comprehensive as basic policies will often be enough. Simple policies can aid you to recompense for the damages you have caused to others but such simple insurance will not cover the damages on your own property.

The same with other form of insurance, automobile insurance has many coverage types and levels. An individual can purchase the most comprehensive insurance he may get his hands on and hold all the advantages the insurance entails - like cover to own damages and other medical inclusions. A high level coverage is great to have but you will have to spend more to get hold of such protection.

As with the example above, being an insurance holder can truly aid a person financially. Most people simply can't come up with the money to recompense for the damages they cause or purchase a substitute for the lost or damaged goods. Medical expenses can be excessive pocket burners as well but when you have insurance to cover for these damages and liabilities, you are, considerably, financially safe.

When loaning for a home, home insurance is necessary. The amount or level of insurance is naturally commanded by the lender. Similar to automobile insurance, the requisite is simple and very minimal. It is very common and advisable for home owners to add coverage level in their home insurance. Owning a home is the conceivably the single largest investment an individual may have. The home itself and the objects within it are expected to be very valuable. It would be best to protect those things with insurance.

Insurance policies can be highly comprehensive and all-embracing. It is capable of protecting the home owner from legal actions against him or her from outside parties. There's also medical coverage and reimbursements for loss from burglary and property damages brought about by flooding and fire. If you own a park home, there's a fitting insurance known as park home insurance and for owners of unique type of houses, there are specialty insurances that you can buy. Just make sure that you do not merely obtain insurance on a whim. Shop around and always make a home insurance comparison before signing up.

Like what has been said, there are numerous kinds of insurance. A person can even insure his trips and vacations. With travel insurance, one is protected via medical and emergency coverage. Loss and damage to property are normally covered as well. Postponement and flight cancellations usually happen; travel insurance will make your travels less costly and stressful when such events happen. Just like with your home insurance, travel insurance comparison is imperative.

How Do I Start My Own Business In Retail?

Starting a retail business has been one of the harder ways to start a business, and the statistic that "98% of businesses fail in their first year" has a lot to do with this business model.

Here's the reason why... Retail businesses usually require a large sum of money to start. I'm going to share a method with you for starting a retail business that isn't that costly, but let's first look at how retail businesses were usually operated before.

Other than having to pay for your monthly lease, you have to worry about hiring employees, hiring a manager (if you don't want to be at the store every day), buying stock, getting a merchant service and computer system... not to mention having to worry about your employees taking you for whatever you got in your stock or your cash register.

All of these risks and expenses end up doing a number on the business owner if they're not prepared to handle them... and unfortunately, 98% of business owners never think of the true importance of handling these things.

The basic rule of thumb is, if you're trying to start a retail business, you need to have AT LEAST 6 months worth of your monthly overhead saved up and available for use.

The interesting thing is though, the majority of these obstacles can very easily be overcome... IF you think about them in advance and prepare yourself for each one of them.

And to bring this into better perspective for you, I'm going to tell you a story about a very well known business person by the name of T. Harv Eker.

He's known for a wide array of accomplishments, but this one is going to be specifically about when he started up his first business, Fitness Land.

Fitness Land was a retail exercise equipment shop that systematically sold fitness equipment to people. With his system, he was able to open up 11 locations in less than 3 years and sold half of his shares to the Heinz corporation (the ketchup people) for $1.6 Million.

Here's the full story...

When Harv decided to start up Fitness Land, he was dead broke. He had absolutely no money to start his business with... so he borrowed $2,000 from one of his credit cards to pay for the 1st month and last months' rent on his retail space.

And since he didn't have any money for his products, he went to the product manufacturer with a very clever offer.

He asked the manufacturer if they could lend him one of their machines for a couple of hundred dollars and he promised that he would come back with a large order soon.

So the manufacturer decided to try it out, and then lend him the one machine. Here's what Harv did with that one machine... (this is the power of creativity)

He had about 600 square feet of space to work with, so what he did was he cut off the majority of the space so that people couldn't access it. He put the machine behind the line that people couldn't cross, put up a sign (which was just a piece of cardboard with permanent marker writing on it), and anyone who came in his store interested in the product would see a demonstration of how it worked.

Harv would get on the machine which was behind the dividing line, showed the potential customer how it worked and if they were interested here's what he would say...

"Well, as you can see, we only have this one machine in stock because we JUST sold out... so here's what I can do for you. There's a shipment coming in tomorrow and you can have one of those machines for the full price of $567... or you can reserve one from the next shipment for $100 but that will come in two weeks"

So naturally, most people wanted the earlier shipment. He would collect full payment BEFORE he placed the order with his manufacturer and delivered the product to the customer. (This concept is very important... It's called "no receivables". Collect payment BEFORE you deliver your product)

He told every person who wanted the machine to come on Saturday between 1pm - 2pm to pick it up.

Now, here's where the cool part comes in...

When the people showed up to pick up their equipment, they found themselves in the middle of a battle-zone type environment, trying to find an opening in the large crowd of people so that they can pick up their stuff. And I'm willing to bet that 100% of all those people were thinking in the back of their minds "Wow... I'm really glad I made it on time to get mine. This MUST be a good product if they have THIS many people here"

And everyone who hadn't bought the product yet, was looking at the crazy crowd of people stuffed in a tiny 600 square foot space, thinking, "What the hell is going on over there? I should check it out once the dust settles"

Those two thought processes were EXACTLY what Harv was trying to build. An intense curiosity for what he was selling.

It gets better though...

Within a few weeks, the police told Harv that he couldn't do business if he didn't have a few police officers there to direct the traffic in and out of his little store. Can you imagine what that does for your marketing? To have police officers directing traffic in and out of your store?

That's awesome.

So using this same system, he brought in several different pieces of exercise equipment and sold them all like clockwork. And seeing that his system was working, he decided to open up a similar location in a different part of town and have his managers run it.

Using this simple, yet ingenious system, he was able to open up 11 locations and the rest is history...

There are some amazing golden nuggets in this specific article. My recommendation is for you to go back and read the whole thing again... take notes where necessary.

If I were to ever start my own business in retail, I would follow this system. In my opinion, as long as you're willing to put in the work, there really is no way that this system can fail a retail business.

You DON'T need a lot of cash laying around to start a retail business. All you need is some ambition and hard work.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Top 10 Recital Rules For Audience Members

With summer fast approaching many studios are preparing for end-of-school-year recitals. An important aspect of a successful piano recital is the observance of proper recital etiquette. Below are the top ten rules that audience members should observe when attending a recital.

The Audience:

(1) Arrive on time, or a little early. When audience members arrive on time it provides the best opportunity for the performance to begin on time. Arriving a few minutes early will also allow for time to get a program and to get seated. In fact, those who arrive early usually get the best pick on seating.

(2) Limit perfumes or colognes. While perfumes, colognes and scented body lotions do smell good, in a recital/concert setting it is NOT considered appropriate to wear strong smelling scents. Many people have allergies to perfumes. So, out of respect to the other members in the audience it is considered proper etiquette to limit, or refrain from, applying scented items on your body or clothing.

(3) Sit QUIETLY and listen to the performances. The role of the audience is to provide appropriate support and encouragement to the performer, and to receive enjoyment from the performance. As such, it is expected that audience members follow some basic rules:

* No talking, loud whispering, or humming along during a performance. Additionally, noisy candy or cough drop wrappers should be avoided! This can be very distracting to the performer and can (especially in young students) cause problems in the performance. It is also quite distracting for audience members.

* Remain seated during the performance (no wiggling or walking about), and only leave between pieces if absolutely necessary.

* No gum. Smacking and chewing noises can distract other audience members. And, gum dropped in a recital venue can create a "sticky" mess. It is best to use (quiet) breath mints instead.

* No whistling, yelling, or other loud methods of congratulations should be done, especially prior to the performance. If a performer is focused and ready to play, but becomes distracted with the "cat-calling" and "whooping" it can really throw off his performance. While boisterous congratulations are meant to show support for the performer, it may actually cause unintended problems instead. The best way to show appreciation for the performance is with thunderous applause, and an occasional "bravo" at the end of an especially great performance.

(4) Go to the bathroom BEFOREHAND. If it becomes absolutely necessary to leave the hall during the recital it should be done quietly and between pieces rather than in the middle of a piece.

(5) No flash photography. If pictures or video are allowed in the recital it is best to stand in the back and be as unobtrusive or noisy as possible. And, cameras should have the flash turned off. Random and/or unexpected flashing of cameras (along with the clicking noises) can really distract a performer.

(6) Turn off your cell phone or other electronic devices. It's obvious enough that phone ringing and beeping is very distracting to the performer and the audience alike. It is necessary to save the texting and talking for after the recital is over.

(7) Attend the entire recital. Leaving early is not considered proper etiquette. All of the performers have worked hard to prepare for the event and all deserve equal respect and courtesy (i.e. a full recital hall).

(8) Clap appropriately. In addition to providing applause in congratulations it is also important to remember to only clap at appropriate times. For example, a multi-movement piece should only receive clapping when all of the movements have been played. Also, in piano recitals it is NOT considered appropriate to clap after an especially brilliant passage has been played. Instead, applause is reserved for after the performance is over (or when the performer first enters the stage).

(9) Dress appropriately. Unless otherwise indicated in the invitation the general rule on recital attire is for it to be clean, not have holes or tears, and be more dressy than a tank top or casual t-shirt or other other overly casual clothing (like short jean skirts or shorts). A good practice is to dress as if going to church or on an interview.

(10) Most important of all is to enjoy the music. Creating an environment which allows all audience members to listen to the performances unhindered will result in an enjoyable and valuable experience for all involved. After all music is fun! It should be enjoyed.

There are many benefits to learning, teaching and applying proper recital etiquette. Recital etiquette is an important social skill that audience members should know and practice.

An Honest, Critical Review of the Dani Johnson Scam

Who is Dani Johnson?

Dani Johnson began her career in the Network Marketing industry as a broke, homeless cocktail waitress with $2.03 to her name. Within her first several hours of starting her new business, she had made several thousand dollars of profit. She made more than $250,000 her first year, and more than $1,000,000 her second year, becoming the #1 international producer in her company.

Since that time, she has founded Call To Freedom International, and travels around the world teaching whoever will listen (or, whoever can afford to listen, as we shall see) her principles of success.

Can She Help Me Succeed?

That depends. You've probably visited Dani's site and seen the impressive array of testimonials from people of all walks of life. Her website boasts well more than 10,000 unique testimonials from people of all over the world. Pretty impressive, to say the least.

My personal experience with Dani Johnson is not that inspiring.

I first ran into Dani's teaching when I was living in Fairbanks, Alaska. At the time, I was for the first time in my life making a significant income from my company, around $4,000 a month only working about 2 hours a day. My organization was growing by 30-40% a month and I was really enjoying the process.

I came across Dani's teachings and really believed it would take me to the next level of success, and help my team to experience the success they had been looking for. I bought every single training on her website (quite the pretty penny, but worth the investment, or so I thought)...

I gathered my whole team together and we had a huge house jam-packed full of people listening to 'Prospect and Close Your Way To Millions'. ALL of them got fired up. (Dani can be pretty darned convincing). I personally invested 3-4 hours a day listening to Dani's training, thinking I had finally found the 'Golden Key'.

So What Were The Results?

My income immediately dropped by $1000, that very month, and recruiting almost completely stopped. The funny thing was, nothing in the company had changed and we were more excited than ever. So what did we do?

Instead of dropping Dani Johnson like a bad habit (like we should have), we heard Dani say that we needed to go to a seminar, so a bunch of us flew down from Alaska to L.A. and attended her well known 'First Steps to Success.' I personally spent more than $1500 between airfare, lodging, and the outrageously priced tickets, and between my group I think the price we paid was around $15,000.

That month, my income dropped by another $1000. Convinced that I needed to invest in my skills, I went to Dani's 'Creating a Dynasty' and bought her 'Prospecting and Closing' classes, spending well over $2500 two months later.

What happened? My income went from $2000 to less than $1000, and from then went down to around $400 before I did what I should have done, and that's drop Dani's teachings like a bad habit and do what is proven to work!

So is Dani Johnson a Scam, or what?

Although there are many people who claim to benefit from her teachings, I certainly was not one of them. I invested 1000's of hours of listening, called more than 5000 leads, and spent more than $5000 of hard earned cash flying all over the USA and buying trainings that completely destroyed my business. When I called and asked for a refund, (politely), they declined. I certainly feel I was scammed.

However, the good news is, when I learned about 'Attraction Marketing', my business started exploding faster than it ever had in the past, and now I am recruiting more people than I can handle, or could ever imagine...


If you are thinking of investing serious money in Dani Johnson's material, just remember that when you sponsor a distributor, you have a responsibility to help them be successful as fast as possible, and that most of them are not expecting, (nor do they want), to fly all over the country paying their child's college savings to go learn something that only works for sales superheroes. Any good, legitimate MLM organization should provide this training to their people, free of charge, with the understanding that if you benefit, they benefit.

That's how this business is supposed to be, people helping people, building each other's dreams through service, leadership, mutual prosperity and integrity.

If you want to spend $25,000 a year on training, learn from Dani Johnson. If you want to live a life of prosperity, learn Attraction Marketing. You decide.


and God Bless.

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