



Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Cheap SIM Free Mobile Phones - Freedom to Choose a SIM of Your Choice

There are three kinds of phone (here connection) available in the market viz. Contract phones, pay as you go phones and SIM free phones.

The contract phones are those where you get a handset along with a particular network provider of your choice. These are like postpaid connections where you are suppose to pay your service charges at the end of contract period. The contract period can be of 12or 18 or 24 months. Until that contract period is completed you can not switch to any other network. You can enjoy several sizzling contract deals within the contract period at affordable rates. So in simple words, if you buy a contract phone you are bound to a particular service provider and its services for the particular contract period.

If we talk about the pay as you go phones, these are like prepaid connections where you have to pay in advance for using any service of the particular service providers. Unlike contract phones, if your credit amount is zero at any time you can not access the requested service further. But as you top up your credit amount you can again access the particular service. Here you do not need to enter into a long contract period.

The last but not the least is SIM free phones, here when you buy a handset that does not accompany with a particular SIM. This mode gives you flexibility to choose a SIM of your choice and whenever you feel to change it, you can do that easily. Alike SIM free phones there are SIM only deals that gives you freedom to buy a SIM of your choice. So you do not need to buy a new handset whenever you change your existing SIM.

The benefit of cheap SIM free phones is that you do not enter into a long contract period. Moreover, you can switch your existing SIM at any time when you find some better services by other service providers. Nowadays, mobile subscribers are more preferring SIM free phones due to the aforementioned benefits. Orange, O2, Vodafone, Virgin, Three and T-mobile, all are offering tempting deals on SIM free phones.

5 Symptoms of Damaged Penis Nerves

Damaged penile nerves are a major cause of sexual problems in men around the world. Nerves send messages of touch, heat, pain and pleasure to the brain so when the nerves in the penis become damaged, a condition called neuropathy, sensitivity may be lost and sexual function and satisfaction seriously reduced. Poor nutrition, chronic disease and infections can all cause serious nerve problems in the penis. Typically, there are 5 symptoms which are linked to penis nerve issues and any one of them can possibly mean nerve damage. Always consult a healthcare practitioner if you think you may have penile nerve dysfunction.

Typically, there are 5 symptoms which can appear and one of which can possibly mean nerve damage. If in doubt always consult a medical practitioner without delay.


Although the symptoms of penis nerve damage and neuropathy may differ from man to man, some symptoms are typical, and appear most often where peripheral nerves have been damaged. The 5 most common symptoms experienced by men include:

  • Pain

  • Burning

  • Tingling

  • Numbness

  • Loss of sensitivity

When the penis becomes affected by symptoms of tingling, numbness, pain, burning or loss of sensitivity, men should seek out medical attention at once. While in some cases these symptoms may be caused by physical damage to the penis, more often there is something else going on. In certain cases neuropathy is the first sign of a chronic health condition.

According to a study funded by the University of Ferrara, Italy nerve damage can become resolved without treatment in 10% of cases. However, it was also discovered that without treatment the condition worsened significantly in 30% of cases.

Should symptoms persist, speak to your doctor immediately.


Nerve fibers in any part of the body can become damaged in various ways. Poor circulation, resulting in loss of oxygen to the nerve fibers, is the primary cause of nerve damage in men. Diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity can also lead to insufficient peripheral circulation for nerve health. Physical damage or trauma to the nerves is the next most common cause. Accidents, injury and infection may also cause significant damage to the nerves, as can surgery.

Surgical procedures for prostate cancer in particular can cause damage to the penile nerves, resulting in male dysfunction and impotence. According to a study by Hungarian researchers, male dysfunction is the most common side effect of prostate surgery, with 59% of men able to have arousal spontaneously following the procedure


The treatment to repair damaged penis nerves depends largely on the cause of damage. When obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes are under control, peripheral nerve damage should improve significantly. For more severe cases, improving circulation, antioxidant protection and nutrition of nerves is important.

Omega-3 and 6 are required for healthy nerve function. Omega-3 oils concentrate in the brain, in the form of DHA, while omega-6 is required to form the myelin sheath that protects nerve fibers in the peripheries of the body. These essential fatty acids are also capable of thinning the blood, enhancing the easy flow of blood and oxygen to the nerves throughout the system, and reducing cholesterol. Bilberry, ginkgo and garlic may also support blood flow to the male organ nerves. Alpha lipoic acid, a vitamin-like antioxidant, has shown in studies to reduce the damage to nerves caused by prostate surgery, effectively treat symptoms of damaged penile nerves, and enhance the regeneration of nerve fibers.

Penis Health Crèmes

Penis health crèmes deliver nutrients and oils directly to the penile nerves, supporting the healing process of neuropathy with male organ-specific nutrition, as well as bioactive compounds to treat the symptoms of neuropathy. Specialist formulas (most professionals recommend Man1Man Oil) contains alpha lipoic acid for healing damaged nerves and the soothing of numbness, tingling and burning which often accompanies this condition. Other ingredients, such as vitamin C, E, D, A and L-arginine support healthy circulation to the tissues of the penis and protect nerves from free radical damage.

Student Debt Consolidation - An Overview

Student debt consolidation is an effective way to reduce the burden of student loans wherein concurrently running loans are paid off with the help of a student debt consolidation loan. The type of student loan consolidation option you can select of course depends on the type of loans you have taken. Since the federal student loans are guaranteed by the government of the US, the process of federal loan consolidation is tad different from normal debt consolidation loans.

Student Loans - Advantages And Consolidation Options

Interest rates for student loans can be anywhere from 9% for Plus Loans, 8.25% for Stafford Federal Loans to a low of 4.70%. The student debt consolidation program allows students to consolidate loans the first time with a private lender. However, they can then reconsolidate but only if it is with the permission of Department of Education. Interest rates are set as per the prevailing guidelines at that time. The thing to note here is that rates remain the same when a student's loan reconsolidation is done. Here, an average of all loans previously taken is calculated, and compared with the current rates of interest on these loans taken.

People make the mistake of calling this student loans refinancing, although this is not true, as rates in student debt consolidation are locked, and not changed. The Federal Government offers incentives and subsidies to companies that handle student debt consolidation. This is why they do not charge the student any extra charges.

The US Department of Education gives loans to the tune of $ 60 billion a year through its various student Federal loan consolidation Programs. The department's Federal Student Aid program offers the best and easiest way of getting student loans. These give you the opportunity to be able to further your education and pay the government later. Leading financial lenders provide standard student debt consolidation programs. These offer you easy unsecured loans, but such loans come at a price of higher interest rates than those offered by federal loans.

The largest advantage of student debt consolidation is convenience, as you make only one payment for your loan as opposed to multiple payments every month. This drastically reduces paperwork, and you do not have to remember due dates every month. If you are lucky, you may also end up making a slight gain from paying less when you consolidate loans sometimes. For example, you may be making three payments of $ 100 each for three separate loans every month, but when you consolidate them, you may end up paying $ 290 for all three loans under the students' debt consolidation program. Doing this also gives you a longer time to re-evaluate your options and repay your loans over a longer period of time. This can buy a student much wanted time to settle down after he / she has finished studying to pay back the loan.

When a student goes in for student debt consolidation, he / she technically pays off all his old loans and takes out a new one, so the older loans are considered paid off. Here, credit ratings of students who opt for students debt consolidation is also higher, but only if the student loan consolidation company in question submits the data to credit bureaus.

Mah Jong Game - A Popular Chinese Game is Quickly Becoming a Popular Game in America

I would like to define Mah Jong, also spelled Mah Jongg. For those of you that are wondering about this game that has become very popular in America.

How do you pronounce the Name

The dictionary has any of the following pronunciations: maa zhóng or maa jóng.

History of Mah Jong Tile Game

There are different beliefs about how the game originated. Some individuals believe a Chinese philosopher developed the game around 500 BC Others believe the Chinese Aristocrats developed the game 4,000 years ago. The game was kept secret until 1911 when China became a Republic. Mah Jong Games were brought to America. The game came to the Americas in 1920 by what we know as a popular casual clothing company Abercrombie and Fitch. The rules were translated into English the best way the people at that time could and the rest of the rules were invented by the American people.

What is Mah Jong

Mah Jong, also known as Mah Jong Solitaire, is a game played with tiles that have various colorful Chinese pictures. It is a little strange when you are learning how to play because you are not familiar with the pictures. If you enjoy playing the card games Solitaire or Gin Rummy, you should not have too much trouble understanding the rules of the game.

Fundamental Aspects of the Game

A game set consist of 144 tiles with 108 suit tiles, 28 honors tiles and 8 bonus tiles. The tiles can be subdivided into suits just like Solitaire or Gin Rummy. Keeping score is by adding the dots or dotted lines that are on the tiles. There are American translated versions of tiles which will make it easier to read the tiles. There are many variations of the game so be sure you know the rules of the version you are playing.

The American Mah-Jongg Association

The game has gotten to be so popular that The American Mah-Jongg Association was formed in 1999 to keep the enthusiasm and spirit of the game popular among the American people.

6 Free Book Marketing Techniques Guaranteed to Get You Book Sales

As an author I spent years looking for free marketing techniques which would help me to sell my books. As a struggling beginning author, I had no idea at first how to even get started. Almost 2 years after the publication of my first book I can say with confidence I have found six techniques which have garnered me book sales, and will work for you too. I'll even let you in on a technique that I found garnered me no sales at all!

1. Offer a monthly newsletter that has useful content around just information about your books. I have found that having a newsletter that offers something to both potential readers, and either aspiring or already published authors has increased my newsletter membership and sold more of my books.

2. Offer free reads. There is one thing that as both a reader and an author will make me stand up and pay attention; offer me something useful for free. People love getting something for free! My only piece of advice regarding this is just make sure that what you are offering is high quality. If you offer a story you wrote 10 years ago that does not reflect your current polished writing style, this is not going to get you book sales for your current books. Either write something new, or do polish up something you have already written, so it reflects your current style.

3. Have at least one of your free readings available through your publisher. Some publishers give writers the option of offering stories for free. Potential fans and readers do scan book catalogs for free read, and sometimes publishers will advertise the free reads as well. If someone reads the free read you made available through your publisher, and they liked it, they are going to be much more likely to come back and purchase the books you have for sale.

4. As further incentive for someone to sign up for your monthly monthly newsletter, offer at least one free read (Or do like I did and offer two or three!), Either a serial where you post a chapter a month (I've found this to be very helpful when it came to making sales!), or a novella. I started out checking my member list every day for new members and then sending them my freebies via e-mail, that is until I found the Files section in my yahoo group! Now I have all of my freebies in the Files section and all new members can just go there and download all my freebies to their computer. This saves time for you, and your new subscribers.

5. Write articles similar to this one on different aspects of being a writer, and the publication industry. Once you have done so, publish them in a few free high profile article directories such as E-zine (my favorite), or Articles Factory for example. Because of the danger of duplication within the search engines I do not suggest publishing duplicate articles at more than two places at a time.

6. Get your books reviewed. I can not stress this one enough as it is one of the most important ways to get the word out about your books. There are many places online you can have your books reviewed for free. Do not pay someone to review your book! There are some very reputable organizations out there such as Coffee Time Romance (who incidentally review all different genres and even non-fiction; not just romance) and The Romance Studio to name two.

Strangely, the one technique which did not garner me many book sales that I am aware of, and which many beginning authors try is sending bookmarks with information about their books to book conferences. I've even heard some horror stories about authors who had friends that were at the conference talking about how they saw the other person's bookmarks laying on the floor, or in the trash. If you can afford to have pens, or calendars or other more original / different items that are more likely to be picked up and taken home made, then by all means do so and send these items. From what I've heard though, bookmarks are not getting picked up anymore.
If you follow the six techniques I've listed here, you will find your book sales do increase, and you will have many happy new readers as well!

Strongman Solution Selling Model

Solution selling is complex and very exciting. Whether you're selling Business Process Automation (BPA) or another form of solution, it is likely that you have a tough job that involves a great deal of complexity.

This stuff's chess; it is not checkers.

There may be dozens of decision makers, and while all of them may not be required to say "Yes," chances are that ANY of them could say "No." You could be faced with all sorts of competitive projects across the enterprise, and political and financial landscapes can change quickly.

STRONGMAN offers a compelling model and simple acronym to help you succeed in your solution selling.

I'll spell it out and then very briefly speak to each key area.


S is for Solution
T is for Timeline
R is for Review
O is for Options
N is for Need
G is for Galvanization
M is for Money
A is for Authority
N is for Negotiation

These are critical areas to address in your sales cycle.

S, Solution.

Whether or not the prospect fully agreements at the sunset of the engagement, you need to be sober in your assessment of whether or not you have a bona fide, legitimate solution for them. Otherwise, why bother?

T, Timeline.

If the customer has a legitimate project that you are selling to, what is the exact timeline? The implementation timeline? Is there a qualifying event or deadline driving this project?

R, Review.

Forget about entertaining and serving a prospect that is not actually in review of the project. If they are simply in research mode (vs. review mode), I would suggest that you balance this project with more advanced-stage opportunities in your pipeline to increase your sales success.

O, Options.

What options exist for your customer? Chances are there are at least five options:

1. Your solution
2. Your competitor (s') solution,
3. Build it themselves or develop it in-house
4. Do Nothing

5. Improve or upgrade their existing process (sometimes by adding resources or conducting training). You need to be able to sell against their available options, especially the option that most companies choose - which is "improve or upgrade existing processes."

N, Need.

Is there a need, do you understand the need and does the customer agree with you on what their need is?

G. Galvanization.

This is my favorite one. Remember, you are not in sales to entertain and serve - not completely anyway. If you are working with customers who are not returning your calls promptly, not bringing other key contacts into meetings, not exposing you to post-purchase processes or display other key indicators that they are not as active and committed to the sales process as you are , you should either gain their commitment or move on.

M, Money.

If there is a project in motion, is the funding of the project pre-approved? Does that fund meeting meet your solution's cost and all of the related costs - such as the staff the prospect will need to devote to deploying your solution? Are you sure of the fiscal cycles? Is the funding coming from resources such as:

1. Project Budget,
2. Cap Ex (Capital Expense requiring a high level sign off),
3. Op Ex (Operating Expense)
4. Departmental Budget

And keep in mind, most companies have the ability to overspend on budgets, or borrow from other borrowers, at about the same rate my wife does - which means they can do it - so do not ever let a negotiator whittle you down solely because of a specific budget.

A, Authority.

A Champion is one thing, an Authority is another. Is the senior executive even aware of the project? Who is the specific authority relative to: signing contracts, producing purchase orders, reviewing legal documents, developing and implementing training programs, technical review and implementation, user acceptance, etc? If you are selling solutions, you had better be exposed to a variety of individuals with legitimate authority over each one.

N, Negotiation.

Many times the real selling does not start until it is time to negotiate. But you want to hear the saddest piece on solution selling: The negotiation process is typically when the sales rep gives up the most concessions and it is also the point at which, in most cases, the customer has already made the decision to go forward. They're exposing the sales rep to resources that are post-purchase resources (such as legal, technical deployment individuals, training folks, purchasing people) and somehow the sales rep fees obliged to start whacking away on their own proposal. It's insanity.

That's STRONGMAN. I've used it for almost ten years in my own business and as a tool for enhanced empowered sales training. I hope you find it an effective model for your solution selling success.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Creating an Advanced Segment in Google Analytics

Analytics is Google's powerful stat tracking system. Most domain owners use stat tracking of some sort, but many more on Google Analytics to create visual reports, download XML files and analyze what visitors are doing on their sites. If you do not know what to look for, it's easy to get overwhelmed while you attempt to track the information you are looking for.

Segments can be of great benefit for any users looking to learn specific information about where traffic comes from and how it behaves on a website. Segments different from goals, because goals use defined paths. In other words, for a goal to work, the user has to achieve certain things (like coming from Google, clicking on Link A, registering, and ending by editing their profile).

With segments, you can look at only specific instances, allowing you to better prove theories you have developed on traffic providers / sources / etc.

What is an Advanced Segment

Advanced Segments break your traffic up into specific sources, mediums, keywords, etc. You can use these segments as an overlay to your existing traffic graph or on their own. Like any other segment in analytics, you can change the dates of your query or define which parameters analytics will report to you.

Creating a Segment in Google Analytics

To create an advanced segment in Google Analytics, follow these steps:

  1. Log into Google Analytics
  2. Click on Advanced Segments at the top right of your dashboard screen
  3. "Create a new advanced segment"
  4. The next screen is where you will add a definition to your statement. Think of statements like questions or questions. For example, all traffic sent to you via the keyword 'Free Software' would be "Search Term // Matches Exactly // 'Free Software'" Segments can query by search term, content title, source, medium etc. Experiment with different options to find the best matches
  5. You can test your segment with the "Test Segment" button, which will perform a sample search and show you the number of results. Use this to check the accuracy of your queries. All Google Search operators can be used, but I do not recommend them. I suggest narrowing a query down to the simplest ideas.

A Note on Conditions

Conditions are special circumstances you want Analytics to observe when querying for your defined segments. For example, you might not want to know every hit you got for the keyword "Android" but you might want to see queries that contain that word. Seeing which search terms you show up for is the best way to focus on what other content you could develop.

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