



Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Top 9 Teeth Whitening Myths Busted and Common Questions Answered

Myth 1 - Teeth Whitening ruins your tooth enamel

Not generally true! Professional Teeth Whitening product suppliers mostly use Hydrogen Peroxide or Carbamide Peroxide as the active ingredients in their tooth whitener gels. The chemical hydrogen peroxide (HO) is a bleaching agent which converts into water (HO) and releases an Oxygen molecule (O) in the process of the chemical reaction. Both Water and Oxygen are common, safe components of our everyday lives.

The Oxygen particles penetrate the rough surface of your tooth (even though they appear smooth, they are microscopically rough, rod like crystal structures) and dislodge staining particles. I like to explain this by imagining the TV commercials which show how a clothes washing powder with oxygen lifts stains from your clothing.

The "bleach" Hydrogen Peroxide is not the same as household bleach containing ammonia, or other low-end, acid based tooth whitening products, and can be swallowed, within limits. In fact our own bodies produce Hydrogen Peroxide naturally!

Acidic products can remove enamel from your teeth. Look for teeth whitening products using Hydrogen Peroxide which is pH balanced, meaning they have no, or low acid levels. Putting acidity into perspective, you should be aware that everyday Orange Juice is shown in lab studies to soften (and potentially erode) tooth enamel by many times more than a professional hydrogen peroxide based tooth whitening gel could, if used correctly.

Myth 2 - Teeth Whitening is not Safe

Not true! Cosmetic Teeth Bleaching with Hydrogen Peroxide has been in use for 100 years. Most recognized dental bodies worldwide endorse tooth bleaching as a generally safe practice, when simple safety steps are followed. Any professional supplier of teeth whitening products will include adequate instructions for the safe use of their product.

Safety vs Risk with tooth whitening is generally centred on 2 main issues: Exposure of the gel to the gums and soft tissue of the mouth or lips, and tooth sensitivity. Both can be minimized by using professional products and minimizing the amount of time the bleaching gel is exposed to the gums or teeth.

As with any cosmetic procedure, there are potential risks. Thankfully with professional teeth whitening any side effects experienced are temporary and are not permanent. As with most cosmetic procedures, you may have to end some discomfort to look better. Sometimes I call this "Vain Pain".

Myth 3 - All whitening Gel is the same

Not true! Of the two major gel options, there is Carbamide Peroxide and Hydrogen Peroxide. Both produce the same active ingredient Hydrogen Peroxide, but Carbamide Peroxide action SLOWER on the teeth and is recommended for use only with an Accelerator Light (or will talk about that later) or for overnight use. Carbamide Peroxide concentrations contain roughly 1/3 of the active ingredient, Hydrogen Peroxide. As an example, 35% Carbamide Peroxide is roughly equal to 12% Hydrogen Peroxide.

Because Hydrogen Peroxide is an unstable chemical which reacts immediately, it is more expensive to produce. Many vendors offer only Carbamide Peroxide based products as a result. Stabilized Hydrogen Peroxide, while the most difficult and expensive to produce ,acts immediately on contact with the teeth and is best suited for short duration tooth whitening treatments without an accelerator light.

Myth 4 - Teeth Whitening Accelerator Lights do not work

Not generally true! Except in some cases. There are businesses who sell only take home teeth whitening kits, and some Dentists, who say that the LED Lights and other accelerator lights are just a gimmick and do not work.

There have been many studies produced which show that the use of a professional accelerator light does indeed accelerate the oxidization (the release of oxygen and chemical bleaching reaction) of tooth whitener gel. This is especially true with Carbamide Peroxide based whitening gels which react much slower chemically.

Ask yourself, how many Dentists and Cosmetic Dentistry businesses offer an "in-office", "chairside", "instant whitening" or "Power Whitening" treatment? Many of them! Now why would they offer this treatment if the accelerator lights did not work? From my own professional experience, there is no doubt that the professional quality Blue LED Accelerator lights enable a faster tooth whitening result when using Carbamide Peroxide gel. In our own studies and observations having worked with thousands of clients and compared the results with the same gel, over the same time period, with and without the LED Accelerator Lamp, we are sure there is a noticeable improvement with the light under these conditions.

But, not all Accelerator Lights are the same. Some Dentists use older technology lamps such as Plasma, UV and other technologies. These technologies function at a light spectrum which is known to cause heating or burning of the skin tissue and heating of the tooth surface to release the oxygen in the gel, unfortunately that can also mean UV damage to your mouth, gums and lips. There are also mini handheld LED lights you often see in TV Commercials - these are only toys and do not have enough power to have any effect.

Another case of where an accelerator light does not work well is if the provider uses a mouth tray to hold the gel against the teeth, and this tray is colored, is a "Silicone Impression" tray, or is a Pre-Filled Foam tray . These types of mouthguard trays do not allow the light frequency to pass through them and there are no accelerated bleaching effects as a result.

Modern, professional teeth whitening accelerator lamps all use LED light in the blue light spectrum, at a specific frequency which excites the oxygen release from the chemical, and accelerates the tooth whitening process. They are often known as "Cool LED" or "cold" light accelerators because they do not heat the teeth or surrounding tissue. As a result, they are perfectly safe, and the technology is FDA Apparoved.

Myth 5 - You need to go to a Dentist to get professional whitening results

Not true! Today, you can buy in Australia, professional strength tooth whitening products which you can use at home or as a service with a professional accelerator light and assistance - and not just from the Dentist.

Dentists are exclusively allowed to use the VERY STRONG bleaching gels, over 16% Hydrogen Peroxide, and up to 35% Hydrogen Peroxide. At these strengths of whitening gel, the real risks are tooth sensitivity and gum trauma. Dentists therefore use a special gum barrier which they apply to your gums prior to applying the strong gels. A Dentist will usually get a better whitening result in the same amount of time as a non-dental treatment, but there are costs to consider, both financially and in increased tooth sensitivity when using the stronger Dentist-only treatments.

For many years the Dentist's had the cosmetic teeth whitening market monopolized because professional teeth whitening technology was too expensive for anyone else. Today, the price and availability of professional tooth whitening products means you have many more choices and options.

Myth 6 - Teeth Bleaching Gels from everywhere other than USA, Australia or UK are unsafe

Not true! First of all, in this modern world, you may not even know it but products looking to be manufactured by a good American or Australian brand are mostly actually manufactured in China. This is true with all types of products and technology worldwide, due to simple economics.

There are many brands of teeth whitening products available in the market. You do not need to be concerned where they were manufactured, because it makes NO DIFFERENCE. The active chemical, hydrogen peroxide is the same the world over. Because Hydrogen Peroxide is also used as a disinfectant, bacteria can not live in this chemical and it will always be safe (ie; germ and bacteria free) to put Hydrogen Peroxide based gel into your mouth regardless of where it came from or how it was manufactured.

If the Hydrogen Peroxide gel is past its use by date or chemically expired, you will know right away, because the gel turns a milky white color which shows that it is already oxidized and will no longer be effective at whitening your teeth, it won ' t cause any harm.

Myth 7 - You need customized Mouthguard trays to get best whitening results

Not true! While Dentists offer custom mouth trays which costs a lot of money, there are also many home whitening kits providing the boil-n-bite thermoshrinking mouthguards which will work equally as well. The wholly custom trays may be a little more comfortable to wear, but they need to be, because in general, a Dentist's at-home teeth whitening kits require you to have the tray in your mouth for long periods of time, over weeks of use . There are non-dentist products which only require short time duration usage, so it does not matter as much if the mouthguard is less comfortable.

The other problem with mouthguards which are too form-fitted is that the gap between the teeth and the surface of the mouthguard is so small, that only the thinnest layer of whitening gel can fit between. The problem with this is less chemical = less whitening result, so you need to use the mouthguard and gel more frequently, over longer periods of time to get a good result.

Myth 8 - All teeth are the same and whitening results should be like the "Hollywood" smile

Unfortunately, some people have unrealistic expectations and can be disappointed with their teeth whitening results. This is not because professional teeth whitening products do not work, because they ALWAYS WORK to some degree. It's because they fail to understand that each person's teeth are unique in mineral composition, which means that tooth bleaching will produce a different result for each person. If your teeth are genetically more yellow than someone else, your results will not be as white, no matter who's product you use, how many times you try to whiten your teeth, or what the strength of the gel is. And some people have deep staining from antibiotics, tetracycline etc. which can not be easily removed and may never be completely removed. Also, there are people with genetically gray or blue tinted teeth for which Hydrogen Peroxide bleaching does not work as well as yellow or brown color tints.

People see the Hollywood Stars on TV and in Movies and believe they can get their teeth bleached to look like the movie stars. Unfortunately, that is not possible. Chemical Teeth Whitening has its limits of effectiveness and will not produce the pure white color (for most people) you see on Movie Stars. Does that mean that movie stars are just genetically lucky? No, it means that movie stars have often paid many thousands of dollars for Porcelain Veneers to straighten their teeth and make them pure white. Of course you have this option too, if you have the money, but a tooth whitening with hydrogen peroxide generally makes a noticeable difference in whiteness and brightness of natural teeth, at a much lower cost than Veneers.

Myth 9 - If I have Caps, Crowns, Veneers or Dentures so I can not whiten my teeth

Not true! While Hydrogen Peroxide only whitens natural teeth, it also cleans all surfaces, including man-made surfaces of caps, crowns, veneers and dentures. Some dentists say that hydrogen peroxide can weaken the bond of some of these artificial substances, or attack the metal components, but you should check with your dentist about your specific case before whitening your natural teeth if you are concerned.

It is always better to whiten your natural teeth FIRST if you are going to be getting any caps, crowns etc. fitted. This is because the dentist can then match the color of the artificial substance to your now whiter, natural teeth, giving an overall whiter smile.

Common Questions and Answers about Teeth Whitening:

Does Whitening Toothpaste work?

The problem here is that there is not a strong enough concentration of any chemical, and it is not concentrated on your teeth long enough to make ANY noticeable difference to the whiteness of your teeth. The only real "whiteness" if you can call it that, which is created by toothpaste is actually the abrasive action of the toothbrush or paste against your tooth enamel. This scratching DOES wear down tooth enamel and also removes large chunks of staining material on the tooth surface, but not the tiny staining particles which make teeth look more yellow. This is the same thing with "Tooth Polishes" which only act like a fine sandpaper to remove tooth enamel while brushing and will cause increased tooth sensitivity with prolonged use tooth enamel thins.

As with the Risk vs Reward argument, while there is significant damage caused to tooth enamel from tooth brushing over time, on balance this is better than the consequences of not cleaning your teeth.

Do not be fooled by those expensive "whitening toothpastes" - they do not make a noticeable difference to the whiteness of your teeth, they are abrasively removing enamel from your teeth and you're better off spending your money on something that does work.

Who is qualified for Teeth Whitening?

The generally recommended rules to define people who are suitable for teeth whitening are:

  • Over 16 years of age (due to potential development of the teeth prior to this age, parental consent may be required)

  • Not Pregnant or Lactating (this is an additional safety measure to protect babies, although you would not generally be able to swallow enough Hydrogen Peroxide from a normal teeth whitening treatment to harm your baby)

  • No known allergies to Hydrogen Peroxide. If you have ever developed skin irritation when bleaching your hair with Hydrogen Peroxide, you may be allergic. But if you do not know you're allergic, it will become evident in the first few minutes of a whit whitening treatment, and you can simply stop the treatment. Any side effects, no matter how discomfort will disappear in a few days with no permanent damage.

Aside from these conditions, teeth whitening is not advisable for people with Dental Braces, people with gum disease, open cavities, leaking fillings, recent oral surgery, or other dental conditions. If in doubt, I recommend you visit your Dentist prior to using a professional strength teeth whitening product.

People with gray or blue tint color to their natural teeth may also not benefit as greatly from teeth whitening using Hydrogen Peroxide, as people with yellow or brown tint color.

If you have Gingivitis or Periodontal disease, any Hydrogen Peroxide bleach on your gum line will be painful and may produce a small amount of bleeding at the gum line. As a result, I do not recommend whitening your teeth until these issues are under control with your Dentist. What is interesting though, is that reports have shown that Hydrogen Peroxide can kill the bacteria which causes Gingivitis, possibly preventing further damage.

What are the Risks with Teeth Whitening?

Whitening treatments are generally safe, however, some of the potential complications of these treatments include:

GUM IRRITATION: Whitening gel that comes in contact with gum tissue during the treatment may cause infection and / or blanching or whitening of the gums, gum line or inside lips. This is due to inadvertent exposure of small areas of those tissues to the whitening gel. The inflammation and / or whitening of gums is transient, meaning it does not last, and any color change of the gum tissue will reverse within two hours, usually within 10-30 minutes. Persons with a history of mouth ulcers may develop temporary mouth ulcers which usually disappear within a few days after treatment.

TOOTH SENSITIVITY: Although more common with the in-office Dentist Treatments using very strong bleaching gels, some people can experience some tooth sensitivity for a period after the whitening treatment. People with existing sensitivity, recently cracked teeth, micro-cracks, open cavities, leaking fillings, or other dental conditions that cause sensitivity may find that those conditions increase or prolong tooth sensitivity after a cosmetic teeth whitening treatment.

SPOTS OR STREAKS: Some people may develop white spots or streaks on their teeth due to calcium deposits that naturally occur in teeth. These usually diminish within 24 hours.

RELAPSE: After a cosmetic teeth whitening treatment, it is natural for teeth color to regress somewhat over time. This is natural and should be very preliminary, but it can be accelerated by exposing your teeth to various staining agents, such as coffee, tea, tobacco, red wine, etc. You should not eat or drink anything except water during the first 60 minutes after a whit whitening treatment, and avoid tooth staining agents for 24 hours after (eat and drink white or clear colored foods during this time) The results of a Hydrogen Peroxide based tooth bleaching treatment are not intended to be permanent, and can last up to 2 years when using professional strength treatments. Secondary, repeat, or touch-up treatments may be needed to achieve or maintain the color you desire for your teeth.

How do I achieve best teeth whitening results?

Before answering this question, you should be thinking of the tooth whitening results from a single treatment, as a trade-off against the potential side-effects of a single treatment. The best answer is balance! Balance the potential results with the potential risk of side-effects. The highest concentrations of Hydrogen Peroxide produce the best results in the shortest time, but also have the highest potential side-effects. My recommendation is middle of the road - not the strongest, and not the weakest to get a happy balance of results and risk.

Before you undertake a professional teeth whitening treatment, have your teeth cleaned professionally. At least in the smile area, which is the upper and lower 8-10 front teeth. REMEMBER, teeth are opaque so cleaning the BACK of the teeth is very important to the overall whitening results you will achieve. A Dental Cleaning will remove any excess materials stuck to the outside of your teeth and permit the Hydrogen Peroxide to work best at bleaching your natural teeth, evenly.

Use a professional strength teeth whitening gel. Many Pharmaceuticals, TV Ads and Internet companies promote teeth whitening products which use 3% or 6% Hydrogen Peroxide concentration. These just do not work well at whitening teeth, and any effect they have taken a long time to achieve. The comparative cost difference is not that great between these low-end products and products of professional strength, but the time and effort required is. I recommend 12% Hydrogen Peroxide if available in your area, unless you are using a whitening treatment with a professional accelerator light which can use 35% Carbamide Peroxide. Of course the Dentist in-office power whitening treatments generally use gel much stronger than 12%, but beware of the potential side effects.

Remember, if your teeth are not as white as you would like after the first treatment, you can always allow some time to monitor your gums and teeth for any side-effects, then take an additional treatment (s). Provided the product you are using is not too expensive, this is the best and safest way to achieve optimal teeth whitening results.

How long does Teeth Whitening last?

This depends on the product you use to whiten your teeth, and the lifestyle you lead.

If you are a smoker, or regularly drink red wine or use any other heavily colored substances regularly, your whiter teeth will become stained again more quickly.

There is no absolute answer to this question, but in general, if you use a professional teeth whitening product for the full treatment as recommended, you may be able to keep the whiter teeth for up to 2 years if you are conscious of what you eat and drink, and maintain your teeth and oral health properly.

Most people are not saints and lead lives where they enjoy red wine or a curry etc. That's fine, but if you want to keep your whiter teeth you should brush them 60 minutes after you have consumed the food or drink. Research suggests you should not brush immediately after eating because the acid formed in your mouth when eating makes the tooth enamel softer and abrasive brushing of the teeth during this period can be detrimental.

I also recommend the use of Teeth Whitening Pens. They apply a thin layer of Hydrogen Peroxide to the teeth, at any time or place, and will bleach any staining close to the tooth surface (if the concentration is strong enough). Whitening Pens active ingredient only works for 30 to 60 seconds on the teeth because saliva washes it away, so choose a Whitening Pen which uses Hydrogen Peroxide (not Carbamide) and is professional strength gel. Whitening Pens are generally not suitable for removing deaf stains.

I have tooth sensitivity problems, can I still whiten my teeth?

Yes, and you have several options. You could use a desensitizing tooth paste for approximately 1 month prior to whitening your teeth and if sensitivity is reduced, you can use any product. But be aware that your sensitivity will likely increase again during or after the treatment, so I suggest choosing a mid strength whitening gel where you can remove it quickly if discomfort gets unbearable.

The other option is a low strength whitening gel. This will work over a longer period of time, but sometimes also increases sensitivity because of the amount of time required on the teeth to get a good result.

Probably the best option, in my opinion, is a Teeth Whitening Pen of at least 12% Hydrogen Peroxide concentration. Because you can paint the gel onto specific teeth and because the gel is washed away by saliva in less than a minute, this may produce the best results, with the least discomfort.

What should I do immediately after I whiten my teeth?

  • Rinse the gel from your teeth and mouth without swallowing.
  • Brush your teeth within 60 minutes using a tooth paste containing Fluoride to help seal the teeth
  • Do not eat or drink colored foods, or smoke for at least 60 minutes
  • If you have tooth sensitivity, use a desensitizing tooth paste
  • If you have tingling in your gums, purchase from the Pharmacy a preparation designed to soothe gums. This will help to prevent mouth ulcers forming (if you are predisposed) and decrease the discomfort and duration of any potential gum irritation.

The simple rule to the best Teeth Whitening results

Concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide (Strength) + Time on the teeth (Time) = Results (Effectiveness)

When factoring in Time, you should also consider the consequences of time:

  • More effort, meaning you may not complete the full treatment
  • More inconvenience
  • Enough active ingredient to chemically react over that time period. That is to say, just leaving any whitening gel on your teeth for 24 consecutive hours will not help because the Hydrogen Peroxide normally is fully reacted and spent within 20 minutes.
  • Longer exposure of the mouthguard to the gums. Friction of the mouthguard can often cause gum irritation
  • Longer exposure of the bleaching gel to the gums. Once again, the risk of gum irritation.
  • Remember, there are limits to the whiteness achievable with natural teeth and these will vary with your tooth genetics, your lifestyle and the state of your teeth at the time of whitening.

More information and Teeth Whitening Product Reviews available by downloading the full report.

"Online Marketing Plan" Creating Fortunes in People Who Want it Badly

A marketing plan helps you to know exactly what you need to do and when it needs to get done. That makes you want to do it quickly and move on to the next step and work harder to make sure you achieve everything you put in your plan from the marketing to money earning to the personal development.

First work on yourself by developing yourself as a leader and some one people can trust and that you can benefit them because people want to follow some one who can benefit them. You need to work on your desire and faith in order for you to make sure you have burning desire in you to work harder then ever to attain your goals. Keep it in your mind why you want to achieve huge amounts of money and why you want to work from home. Work on your thoughts to be backed up with that burning desire and your mindset. "A thought backed up with burning desire has a tendency to transmuting itself into its physical equivalent."

Second is your marketing plan you must have a schedule everyday you follow for all your marketing and do the most important first so you put the most effort into it and if anything comes up the most important is done. You must do some research as to what works and what does not and will be very unique in your marketing to attract. Attraction marketing is key if you want to succeed you must be able to attract and show how real you are. You must constantly be educating yourself on new methods of marketing and updates of what is going on in the market for example with Google they have a few new compliance regulations for advertising.

Third you need a product with huge commission pay. You need a product that will benefit you and the world in as many ways possible. You need a financial or wealth product line especially in this economy. Backed up with a few other income streams such as residual income as being the main second most important.

Plant a Vegetable Garden

Living off the land is not just for flower power hippies and go green fanatics. Aside from being able to enjoy the fruit of your labor, literally, there is always the added advantage of saving a few bucks at the supermarket. Tending to a garden can be a little labor intensive but with the right equipment and some sound advice you'll have green thumbs in no time! Be warned this is a very simple guide to getting a garden started we will not get into the science of soil because it can get overwhelming and discouraging for the beginner. If you think that your soil is not able to grow a garden, ie your neighbors have tried with no success, take a sample to a local greenhouse or plant shop and have it tested you may need to adjust the pH level.

For everyone else: the first thing to consider when planting your garden is the type of soil you've got to work with. There are three general soil types, sand, loamy / silt, and clay. Not sure which one you have? Here's an easy way to find out. Go to your soon to be garden, pick up a small amount of soil, enough to make a ball the size of a ping pong ball and try to form it into a ball. If your soil is nowhere near making it into a ball you have sandy soil, if your soil seems to be going with the program but breaks apart once you stop trying to form it you have loamy soil, if it holds its form as a ball you have clay soil. No worries, you'll be able to plant no matter which type of soil you have, with the help of some top soil or compost.

First things first, figure out which types of vegetables you would like to plant, this is a fun process and will get you excited for the work to come. A good beginner garden includes tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers and bell peppers etc., and do not forget the herbs, basil, cilantro and mint are great herb that you can use in many dishes. My best advice is to keep it simple. It easy to get excited about having all these fresh, organic, juicy veggies at your finger that you bite off more than you can chew. Choose about 4-5 vegetables that you eat most often and plant those but do not pass on the tomatoes you will not be sorry they are not much better than any supermarket. Follow the link at the end of this article to figure out when to plant the vegetables of your choice. It also tells you when to expect the veggies to come in (harvesting).

Once you've gotten your fabulous list of vegetables its time to prep your soon to be bountiful garden space. After the last frost of the season prepare your soil by mixing in topsoil or compost, both contain essential nutrients and are the perfect density to retain and drain water at the optimum rate. Pick a nice spot that gets a lot of sun and start tilling to turn up and expose the soil. Till the area the size and shape you would like your garden to be, remove two inches of soil evenly and put it to the side you will be replacing those two layers with top soil or compost.

Side note: If you do not want to remove any soil no problem, just go for a raised garden. Add two inches of top soil to your current level of soil once it has been prepared. If you're going to opt for a raised garden you should line it with short pieces of wood as boarders (2 x 4's will do) so roots do not become exposed once they start to grow.

Now back to the tilling. You shouldill about 6 inches deep into the earth. Once you've turned up all the soil add top soil or compost to it and till some more to mix it in. Add enough top soil to the mix to make your soil the consistency and density of loamy soil. If you already have loamy soil you should still add top soil to replenish any nutrients your current soil maybe lacking. I've found that a 50/50 mix works well for me. After that has been completed its time for the fertilizer, broadcast (see listing list) the fertilizer of your choice and use a rake to distribute it evenly across the top of your plot. If you are unsure about which type of fertilizer to buy ask a local merchant and be sure to mention you are using it for a vegetable garden.

Once you've done that its time to plant your plants. A good rule of thumb is to start your garden when the plants in your area begin to bud. Who better to tell you about nature than Mother Nature herself? You can also refer to the previous link for a more concrete calendar. If you plan to start with seeds get a modular tray that has squares of soil and start the germination process indoors to protect the fragile seed from the rough outdoors. Follow the link at the end of the article to watch a video on how to prepare your trays. Note: You can buy trains that come prepared with soil already in the cells at your local gardening store.

If you are starting with small plants from a local green house you can put them right into your plot, I recommend this method because it is much easier to care for the plants. To transplant them into your garden dig a hole about 6 inches deep depending on the size of the plant and put the plant with soil you bought it directly into the ground and pack some extra so around the roots to make it stable. Make sure to plant each plant a couple inches apart to leave space for them to grow. After you've transplanted all of your veggie plants water the garden to settle the roots.

Congratulations! You've planted your first garden. Now its time to tend to it!

The first couple of weeks after you have planted your plants your garden is going to need some serious TLC. That means you will have to water more often to keep the soil moist.

Watering should be done before dawn or at / after sunset. If watering is do not when the sun is in full force the beads of water in the leaves will be magnify the Sun and potentially burn plant leaves.

Be aware that there is a fine line between moist soil and over watered soil after you've watered your garden that soil should be moist enough for you to shape a small amount of dirt into a compacted ball. If a lot of water runs out without much force you have over watered (a small amount of water is fine). It is better to water a little, check the soil then water some more if needed. A good way to check if you have watered enough is to stick your finger in the soil. After watering, give the soil a couple of minutes to absorb the water. After about 20 min. has elapsed stick your pinky (or thumb!) as far into the ground as it can reach. Be sure to stay clear of plant roots you do not want to disturb them. If the soil is moist good job, great way to squirt that hose! If the soil is a little dry underneath add a little more water but be careful not to over water.

Now that we've gotten you excited to pick up that hoe keep these Do's and Don'ts in mind when planting your garden.

Do plant your garden in an area that gets the most sunlight about 5-6 hours a day.
Do not over water your garden
Do pull out as many weeds as possible when tilling and after your garden has begun to grow.
Do not dig plants up once you've laid them.
Do not water when the sun is in full force.
Do pick your vegetables once they are ripe or they will rot in your garden.
Do share the wealth. If you have more veggies than you can handle give some away.
Do have fun and enjoy the fruit, or in this case, vegetables of your labor.

Great, you've got all the info you need to start your garden but you can not call yourself a Green Thump Garden Newbie until you've learned some of the Lingo:

Broadcast = to distribute evenly across the plot
Aerate = to loosen soil by digging to allow air to pass freely. Used mostly on clay soil
Annual = plants that grow for only one season
Biennial = plants that grow for two seasons
Germination = when seeds have sprouted about the soil
Perennial = plants that grow every year if you take care of them of course
Hardening-off = gradually introducing plants or seeds to the great outdoors by putting them out each day to get used to the elements and increasing its outdoor time each day.

Whew, nice job, you've officially earned your green thumbs now go out and get some dirt under those nails!

Happy Planting Newbie!

Link to Free Info:

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Cheap hotel reservations and bookings are now as easy as 123 where you could make arrangements even from the comfort of your house. Simply browse the internet and search for several web sites that offer hotel deals and reservations. It saves you time and effort with these friendly booking sites which guarantee low hotel prices to suit your requirements. They have great selections of hotel deals worldwide and are trusted in booking cheap hotels. Compare their hotel bookings online at affordable prices as they offer a variety of hotel deals on three star accommodation and fantastic rates on luxury hotels on prime business locations and cozy retreat homes and beach resorts.

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To guide you on the hotel reservation process, here are some instructions for you to follow:

• Select the desired hotel on the place or very near your destination.
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• Choose the room size most suitable for you, and the price.
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• Make sure that these hotel booking companies provide you the exact rates you're going to pay. Several people would provide you a very low hotel price but they do not tell you about the local taxes and various fees. You end up paying more than what you have already planned. Make a wise move by comparing not only the hotel rates but even the fees linked with the use of their booking service. You can find the best deals at Expedia, Hotels, Priceline, Orbitz, Travelocity, and Hotel Deal Site among others.

B Vitamins Play an Essential Role in Metabolism

B vitamins were once thought of as a single vitamin called Vitamin B. After much research, we discovered there are actually 8 distinct vitamins. Further research has also concluded that B vitamins are water soluble, which means that they are easily excreted out of the body and therefore must be consistently consumed through our diet. B Vitamins have often been the talk of supplementation over the years because of the essential role it plays in the metabolic process. B Vitamins are essential in functions such as increasing the rate of metabolism, maintaining healthy skin and muscle tone, enhancing immune and nervous system functions and promoting cell growth and division. Each B Vitamin has a specific function within the metabolic process.  

Vitamin B1 -  Vitamin B1 is also known as Thiamine. Thiamine is essential in healthy brain function and as well as metabolism of carbohydrates. Thiamine deficiencies can cause a disease called Beriberi, which is a disease of the nerve and heart. Symptoms of this disease is weight loss, emotionally unstable, weakness, pain in the arms and legs, impaired sensory perception, irregular heartbeat and in sever conditions death can occur. Thiamine can be found in a variety of foods, in low concentrations. Yeast and pork have the highest concentration of Thiamine but you can also find it in foods like whole grain cereals, wheat flour, oatmeal, flax, sunflower seeds, brown rice, kale, potatoes, oranges, liver and eggs.

Vitamin B2 - Vitamin B2 is also known as Riboflavin. Riboflavin is required for many cellular processes within the body including the metabolism of energy, fats, carbohydrates, proteins and ketone bodies. Riboflavin deficiencies can cause Ariboflavinosis, which is protein- energy malnutrition. Symptoms may include cracks in the hips, sensitivity to sunlight, and inflammation of the tongue.   Riboflavin can be found in a variety of foods like milk, cheese, leafy green vegetables, liver, kidneys, legumes, yeast, mushrooms, and almonds.    

Vitamin B3  - Vitamin B3 is also known as Niacin. Niacin is an essential nutrient that plays an role in metabolic process. Niacin is involved in both DNA repair, and the production of steroid hormones in the adrenal gland. Niacin deficiencies along with deficiencies in tryptophan are called Pellagra. Symptoms of Pellagra include aggression, inflammation of the skin, insomnia, mental confusion and diarrhea. Niacin can be found in a variety of foods such as salmon, avocados, broccoli, nuts, seeds, whole grains, carrots and mushrooms, and animal products such as steak, chicken and pork.  

Vitamin B5 - Vitamin B5 is also known as Pantothenic Acid. Pantothenic is an essential nutrient to sustain life. It plays a key role in the metabolism and synthesis of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.   Deficiencies in Pantothenic can cause acne and in severe cases can cause Paresthesia, numbness of the skin.   Panthothenic Acid can be found in many foods, but whole grain cereals, legumes, meat, eggs, and royal jelly containing the highest amounts.  

Vitamin B6 - Vitamin B6 is also known as Pyridoxine.  Pyridoxine assists in the balancing of sodium and potassium as well as promoting red blood cell production. Pyridoxine has also been linked to cardiovascular health by decreasing the levels of Homocysteine , which has been linked to cardiovascular disease. Deficiencies in Pyridoxine may lead to anemia, high blood pressure, water retention, depression and dermatitis.   Pyridoxine can be found in various grains, green leafy vegetables, liver, eggs, and meat.   

Vitamin B7 - Vitamin B7 is also known as Biotin.   Biotin is a co-factor in the metabolism of fatty acids and leucine, and it plays a role in regulating the glucose levels in your blood.   Deficiency in adults usually does not cause any symptoms; however, in infants it can cause impaired growth and neurological disorders. Biotin can be found in a large variety of foods such as liver, legumes, soybeans, milk, in small amounts, but larger concentrations can be found in royal jelly and brewer's yeast.  


Vitamin B9 - Vitamin b9 is also known as Folic Acid.  Folic Acid is essential for many biological functions such as playing a key role in the metabolism process to producing healthy red blood cells and preventing  Anemia to decreasing Homocysteine levels and cardiovascular disease.   Some research has also shown evidence that Folic Acid can slow the effects of age on the brain. Folic Acid is especially important during pregnancies as a deficiency in pregnant women can lead to birth defects, which is why supplementation during pregnancy is often recommended.   Folic Acid can be found in large quantities in leafy vegetables, beans, peas, sunflower seeds, liver and baker's yeast.  

Vitamin B12 - Vitamin B12 is sometimes referred to as Cobalamin. Vitamin B12 have been a popular supplement in energy drinks because its vital role in the normal functioning of the nervous system and the brain. Along with Folic Acid, Vitamin B12 helps to produce healthy red blood cells. Vitamin B12 also plays a part in the metabolism of the cells in the body, including their regulation and synthesis, as well as the synthesis and energy production of fatty acids. Deficiency of Vitamin B12 can result in anemia, the inability of DNA to synthesize in red blood cell production, memory loss, increase chances of cardiovascular diseases and other cognitive defects. Because Vitamin B12 is only found in meat, eggs, milk and other animal products vegans must supplement their diet with Vitamin B12 or purchase plant based foods that have Vitamin B12 added to them.    

B Vitamins are the 2nd most important supplement you can take, besides a multi-vitamin for a healthy body. B Vitamins are an essential part of getting the most nutrients out of your diet and helping your body stay energized and healthy. It is very difficult to consume the optimum amounts of each B Vitamin individually so it is much easier and cheaper to take a B Vitamin complex. Even if you are not sure if you're getting too much of a specific B Vitamin, you cannot overdose because it is easily excreted out of the body. Also with a complex you are using the synergistic effect of all the B Vitamins, which means better digestion and absorption of fats, proteins and carbs. B Vitamins should be taken after a meal but do not take it at the same meal you take your multi-vitamin.  

Molescum - Molluscum Contagiosum

Molescum - also known as Molluscum Contagiosum, or simply Mollescum - is a viral infection of the skin. Molescum is actually pretty much harmless but poses a significant inconvenience for anybody who becomes infected with the virus. Molluscum Contagiosum in children is where it is most commonly seen. However, adults can and do become infected. Persons with compromised immune systems are most likely to be easily infected. Even healthy persons, however, are vulnerable to molescum because it is such a highly contagious virus.

Molescum spreads easily through skin to skin contact, contact with infected materials such as towels and clothing and often through sexual contact. The actual condition Molescum causes is a patch of Molluscum Contagiosum warts that are nothing more than pimples to the eye. They don't hurt or itch but they can take very long to go away. In fact, Molescum resolves itself naturally in a healthy human but the amount of time it takes (up to a year!) causes many people to seek treatment.

Molluscum contagiosum treatment usually involves topical creams, surgical extraction of the molluscum lesions and even something as far-out as using the juice from a particular type of beetle to dissipate the warts. Surgical removal is generally quick and easy and if done well, leaves no scarring. This is a fantastic option because while creams can work in time, molescum spreads very easily to healthy skin on the same person. Molescum spreads especially well on wet skin. The main reason to get rid of Molescum is to prevent spreading it to others and also for cosmetic reasons. The molluscum warts are rather unsightly, particularly if they occur around or on the face or genitals.

Another treatment option for molescum sufferers is to have their molluscum warts frozen off. This process is only slightly painful and sees decent results. Children, in particular, should be treated as soon as a molescum diagnosis is confirmed because of their gregarious nature. Spreading mollescum to others is almost guaranteed among kids! For individual molluscum warts, you can remove them yourself at home. All you need to do is sterilize a needle and pierce the skin on top of the pimple.

Then you will need to widen the opening and squeeze out the little white ball. The white ball is actually the virus, which is hidden in this ball in such an ingenious way, that it takes the human immune system such a long time to indentify and combat it. Once you've removed the virus ball, apply antiseptic to the small wound and allow it to heal. Voila!

For more involved cases of molescum consulting with a dermatologist is wise.

Learn How to Manage Your Debt!

Debt is the subject of talk shows, news items and even jokes. The reality TV series "Until debt do us part," has even been a hit. However, debt is the cause of many marriage breakups, job losses and suicides as well.

Being in debt is not necessarily an evil thing, in spite of what many religious leaders have warned over the centuries. Indeed, there can be such a thing as "good" or "creative" debt, such as borrowing money against your home, and then investing it wisely and thoughtfully, while "writing off" the interest on the borrowed sum on your income taxes. We will discuss this strategy later.

Still, falling into debt is no laughing matter. Many people end up trapped in a cycle of "bad" debt, borrowing money all the time to purchase things that will only drop in value, or depreciate, such as an automobile or big screen television. I am personally alarmed by the gigantic debts being run up by university students, often thanks to credit card companies handing out credit cards like candy.

Let's face it, most kids who go away to school at the age of 18 or 19 have had their parents doing their laundry and buying and paying for their groceries - not to mention making their beds. Over the previous two decades they were never taught how to budget or even pay bills which quickly add up to large debts. Most of these young people should never use credit cards in the first place, however, once they do, they quickly find themselves straddled with 12%, 18% or even 26% interest and fees on their monthly bills.

Ask yourself these questions?

  • Do you find that you are constantly concerned about your financial situation?

  • Are you always paying your bills late?

  • Have you started to get calls from creditors about "unpaid bills"?

  • Have you "maxed-out" your credit cards, and begun to carry large amounts forward each month, paying only "the minimum amount due?"

  • Is a larger and larger amount of your net income going to cover merely the interest on the debts you owe, without even touching the ever growing principal?

Here is a simple strategy you can implement to get out of debt:

Establish a budget and track all your income and expenses

There is usually one person in the relationship who handles the money and pays the bills. When I ask if they follow a budget, the answer is usually "no"; however, they feel they know where the money is being spent. I personally am very specific when it comes to my budget. I review and allocate every expense so I know where my money comes from and how it is being spent.

The process is relatively simple. I just take one of the envelopes that my bills come in and write the current month on it. Anything I buy gets logged on a monthly sheet and the receipt placed in the envelope for that month.

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