



Friday, September 7, 2018

How to Spy on a Computer Without Anyone Knowing

If you need to know how to spy on a computer, I'll tell you right now that it's with software. But not all are created equal ... some can spy on certain activities, but not everything. What's more is that most do not do so invisibly - and this is the key thing here. Invisibility and stealth are paramount to the success of monitoring computer activities no matter the reasons. Why?

For example, this is not how to spy on a computer; If you're trying to keep an eye on your kid while he's online to make sure he does not go off on some crazy bestiality porn site, it would do nothing if there's some blinking fireball of an icon pulsating in the system task bar. He'll clearly know he's being watched, and go off to a friend's house to check out some porn on his friend's computer.

Obviously, that is not how to spy on a computer at all. In order to do so effectively, you absolutely positively need stealth. You need to be invisible, or it just is not happening, period. For this reason, when you seek out some software to monitor computer activities, it's got to run silently and invisibly ... like the types used by businesses who keep tabs on whether their employees are indeed working, or stealing account information and client files for their own ends. These software programs record everything, every detail, instant message, every keystroke, and hides them on secret invisible files that then get discretely e-mailed to the observer who plays it all back for view.

Computer Accessories For Tablet PCs

All computers, no matter their use and functionality require some extra add-ons to make them user- friendly and enjoyable. In simple terms, these accessories modify a computer's utility. Use of add-ons makes work on the computer simple and enjoyable. This ease of use is thought about by the increased functionality adapted from using adornments. The common attachments in today's market are keyboards, mice, scanners, monitors amongst other add-ons.

Computer accessories augment the experience one gets from using his or her computer. Computers of today are more functional and have increased capabilities. This is as a result of technology advancement that has taken place in the past two decades.

The acceptance of tablet PCs thought about some additional components in the computer market. Slate and touchscreen tablets do not come with in-built keyboards. However, one can choose to buy an accessory keyboard and attach it. Computer manufactures provide accessory keyboards and mice for their touch tablets and slates.

Although there are some in-built computer accessories in some PCs, they are not of the required standards. More often than not, in-built accessories do not perform their required tasks to the expected levels. This is the reason why most computer users go out to buy additional accessories. In-built speakers often produce poor sound qualities, and this may force one to go buy better speakers.

Here are some factors to consider before purchasing computer accessories.

When going out to buy accessories one should always choose accessories that go with devices that they have. The best option of buying accessories is from the manufacturer of the computer.

Before you go out buying computer attachments from the Internet, you should consider some important factors. You should first conduct a thorough research to see the websites that offer the best prices and quality accessories. In some cases, one can buy a substandard accessory that can even spoil a computer. There are some retail stores that deal in accessories for computers and other devices, but at times, their prices are higher than those online stores and manufacturers. The best option remains to buy add-ons from the manufacturers.

Installation of accessories.

Installing attachments is not a hard task. Most of the additions come with a step by step manual guide for easy and correct installation process. These installation manuals come in the form of CD which provides the steps of installation. One should always read and follow these manuals so as install and use accessories in a correct manner.

The Future of Android Games, Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality

Mobile gaming has come a very long way since the introduction of crude & simple games like Snake and Pong which were available on early Nokia phones. Mobile processors and graphics are now as powerful as desktop computers were just a few years ago. Older generations still remember lugging around a Game Boy or Game gear and begging their parents for another game. New generations literally have access to 100's of thousands of games on their mobile device.

In short, mobile gaming has exploded in just a few years time. In the month of July 2016 there were 63.1 million arcade games downloaded & games in the "strategy" category generated $ 195M revenue. In a recent study over 37% of mobile app users with 30 minutes of free time choose to play games over any other activity. We've all seen it and we've all done it ourselves, whether its waiting for an appointment or sitting at the airport, we pull out our mobile device and jump into a quick game to kill the time.

So what does all of this mean for the future of android gaming? For starters, the massive amounts of revenue and user interest in android gaming has bolstered continuous innovation and fierce competition in the global marketplace. For example, just 12 months ago, top executives were saying that they did not see any major benefit to augmented reality. With the release of Pokemon Go and estimates citing as much as $ 500 million in revenue in just 60 days, I think we can all agree augmented reality is here to stay.

Virtual reality is another area that has been picking up steam in recent months. You can now buy virtual reality headsets at local gas stations for a mere $ 30. Or if you're on a budget you can purchase Google Cardboard for as little as $ 7.00. There are still only a limited number of VR enabled games but that number is increasing daily. Not only that, as more and more people experience VR we are sure to see a blockbuster release sooner or later.

Let's take a look at some real life examples of recent game releases. Dawn of Titans which was recently released on Google Play was in development for over 2 years. This is akin to the development cycle of a mid-level PC game release on Steam. The game features mass controlled troops, world building elements and impressive graphics. A few years ago this would have considered a major release for the Android platform. These days this is just another drop in the massive pond. With over 2.4 million apps and games currently listed on Google Play it's harder and harder to stand out. This is actually good news for gamers as developers are working harder and faster to create new innovative titles to attract users.

I firmly believe that both Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) titles are going to gain more traction in 2017. Major developers who can pump out triple A content can not be left in the dust while indie developers pump out AR and VR enabled games. They will be forced to port existing titles and come up exciting new ways to interact with the mobile devices.

There are many gimmicky games available that utilize the phones microphone, gyroscope, camera and accelerometer. However, these sensors combined with AR and VR could bring a whole new experience to gamers. Imagine walking through a recreated 3D world that represents your neighborhood, immersed in full virtual reality, and using your phone as a targeting device to defend against waves of zombies. This is already possible with the technology that is available, it just needs to be packaged in a user friendly way that people can enjoy.

Combining meticulous graphics with well thought out virtual reality experiences would be impressive indeed. If you're familiar with PC based virtual reality demo's you already know how immersive the experience can be. It's only a matter of time before these same experiences make their way to our mobile devices en masse. And to think, only 30 years ago we were playing Mario on our beloved Nintendo consoles. Let's not even mention the Virtual Boy that burned your eyes after 2 minutes of playing tennis. Android games and mobile games in general have come a long ways since then and they will continue to push barriers even further in the near future.

A Quick Guide to Managing Personal Finances Successfully

Managing your money and personal finances is easy with just a basic understanding of the world of finance. You can learn to handle yourself in stressful moments with this guide to personal finances, budgeting money, managing personal finances, using personal budget software or seeking finance help online. Our financial guide offers great value in assisting you in all areas of money.

Most people do not think of themselves or their lives as a business. But from birth to passing, you are in business for yourself, the business of you. How you choose to manage your business is up to you. The same guidelines that apply to running a successful business also apply to leading a victorious life, both financially with your money and emotionally. Remember stress around money can affect your emotions negatively as well as your health.

Giving adequate service to our fellow human beings is the mirror of a successful business as well as providing value to their lives. If you seek to provide as much value to as many human beings in your life, you are sure to become a successful person and customers and wealth will knock at your door. So how does this apply to managing finances successfully you might ask?

Below are 4 important points of our guide from Personal Finances Online , to managing personal finances successfully.

  • Take extra effort in removing any emotion like deexiety or overwhelm from financial obligations worry over mounting bills and income. Removing the emotion from your personal finance budgeting will be a work in progress, and you should always remain on guard for over active emotions. Taking emotion out of dealing with your finances will help you come up with positive solutions and solve problems more effectively.
  • Managing your personal finances on a regular basis rather than letting the admin tasks mount up is important. That way you stay on top of where you are at, can change things, make better decisions ahead of time rather than always being in reaction mode or putting out fires. Avoid decisions that would lead to bankruptcy like over leveraging your loans or taking on financial commitments you do not know how you can pay back.
  • Devote yourself to develop greater skill sets like budgeting, planning and even using budgeting software. Managing personal finances like a business is about seizing control of your destiny, both with your finances and your life. Try to be like the great business leaders and attack your future with vigor and enthusiasm. Overseeing your finances in this way, with boldness, and a belief in their importance can have amazing results. Lead your money with boldness, and like an army your personal finances are sure to follow
  • Using software to support you with your personal budgeting is a good idea because it contains spreadsheets that have everything in one place. You can see very quickly where your current state it, budget better, plan better, not to mention the time it will save you putting your own spreadsheet together. The ultimate personal finance software provides sufficient user-friendly features, allowing users to manage every aspect of their finances, including accounts, investments, future plans and taxes. Software will provide up to date information on tax laws and stock reviews to help you make knowledgeable decisions.

Remember proper budgeting of your personal finances is the beginning of good and sound financial management. Online sites and budgeting software can help you. Of course, this will not be possible without first your determination to manage your financial obligations without getting stressed about it.

All About Computer Networks

Over a period of time, computers have become an indispensable part of businesses. Installation of computers, their support and maintenance are services all organizations require. As businesses grow, the number of computers in the organization also increase. It becomes imperative to establish a systematic way to connect these computers so that they function in a hassle-free manner. Therefore, computers are interconnected in various ways. This is the concept of a computer network.

What is a computer network?

A computer network can be understood as a number of computers connected together to share resources. The most common resource shared is the internet. Other resources can be printers, file servers, etc. The computers in the network may be connected through an Ethernet cable or wirelessly through radio waves.
Now we will see how the individual computers in a network are connected:
Computers connected in a network are referred to as nodes.

Star Topology:

In this case, there is a central node from which connections are provided to individual computers. In this case, even if there is any problem with a particular cable, the other computers can continue to function undisturbed. On the flipside, this type of connection requires a lot of cabling.

Bus Topology:

In this case, all the computers are connected by a single cable. The information that is intended for the last computer needs to travel through all the nodes. The chief benefit is that it requires minimal cabling. However, if there is any fault in the cable, all the computers are affected.

Ring Topology:

In this topology, all the computers are connected through a single cable. The end nodes are also connected to each other. The signal circulates through the network to reach the intended recipient. In case, a network node is configured incorrectly or there is some other issue, the signal will make numerous attempts to find the intended recipient.

Collapsed Ring Topology:

In this case, the central node is a network device known as the hub, router or switch. This device runs in a ring featuring plugins for cables. And, each computer is independently connected to the device through individual cables.

Each organization chooses its own topology of the computer network to ensure a streamlined functioning of their computers. Once the computers are connected, offices also have separate cabling closets, which is essentially a space containing a switch device that connects to the network.

There are a number of computer network companies that provide the services of installation, maintenance, and support services ensuring smooth and streamlined functioning of your systems.

Mobile Game Development In Future

Future Mobile Game Development

The following topics are the new emerging trends in the mobile gaming world. And these trends will conquer the entire market in a few years to come.

● Massive Multiplayer Mobile Game Development

● Advertising / Promoting Through Mobile Games
Promoting Cinemas / Movies Through Mobile Games
Advertising New Products Through Mobile Games

● 3d Real World Scenario Mobile Games

Massive Multiplayer Mobile Game Development

The 3rd generation games with AI computer players are getting outdated today and the global multiplayer is getting its value. For this reason Online Massive Multiplayer Mobile Game Development is introduced, where players play against many other people around the world with their mobile phones. Definitely in a few years massive multiplayer mobile games will hit the market like the PC game scenario. Today, there is very little number of global multiplayer mobile games available in the market like Find4 by

Interactive Server

This Massive Multiplayer Mobile Game is using the GPRS connection for the networking with a central server acting as router. It is almost the same as Nokia's SNAP technology. This trend will soon get popular around the mobile game players. has developed the Massive Multiplayer Mobile Game SDK for FIND4 game. A customize SDK and the server is now available for sale.

Advertising / Promoting Through Mobile Games

Advertising and promoting a product is totally getting changed to new concept. Consumer product companies advertising their products through the PC games and with other entertainment products. As the mobile gaming have a very market and the advertisements reach very close to the customers. It is very helpful for mobile game developer to make their games cost effectiveness and earn big revenue from them.

Promoting Cinemas / Movies through Mobile Games

Nowadays, film promoters look for publishing their cinemas / movies through other entertainment Medias. For this reason many producers and film makers come up for developing a game based on the movie. This type of publishing or promoting will reach the right customer and the right age group which the film is aiming at. So that today's film directors are promoting their films through the mobile games with the help of custom mobile game developers. Games are developed based on the characters from the movie. These types of games will reach the customer soon and bring a good result as the character is familiar and the game story resembbles the one they are impressed on.

Advertising New Products through Mobile Games

Mobile Game Development is moving towards advertising market to make it cost effective and earn more revenue from each game. Some consumer product based companies have started investing on games. For example a famous painkiller in India has advertised on a mobile game in which they player uses their product for injuries. This type of advertising has become familiar in mobile game industries today. Soon there will be running displays in the bottom of the screen to hold advertisements and flash news.

3d Real World Scenario Mobile Games

Today in mobile game development there is lots of restrictions and minimal resources available for game development, like CPU and memory in the device. The mobile gaming industry has just reached 3D gaming and soon there will be real world scenario games on mobile phones.

Most Common Computer Malfunctions

If you have a computer, I have news for you. It is going to malfunction, usually at the worst possible time and often for no apparent reason. It is not something we look forward to, because it is very easy to end up spending a day or so trying to figure out what is wrong and getting it fixed. My most recent issue involved some of my desktop icons vanishing, previously the ones that allowed me to control volume and told me how much battery life I had left. The fix ended up being a quick one, once I actually found the solution that worked. But getting there was a harrowing experience indeed.

It is also a fact that user error plays a huge part in computer glitches. Visiting sites that harbor malicious codes or software, downloading programs without checking to see whether or not they may cause harm, or simply asking the computer to do more than it is effectively able to do with the resources provided. Many times we are the cause of what goes wrong.

Many computer malfunctions may also be the result of power surges such as lightning. This can usually be avoided through the use of a surge protector. If you do not have one, get one now and attach all of your comp's connections through it to avoid an unpleaser episode.

Computers may also fall victim to viruses. Contrary to popular belief, most viruses do not wipe your hard drive or destroy your PC, but rather they install and then proceed to make nuisances of themselves. My most recent experience with a virus came disguising itself as an anti-virus program. Of course it was a fake, the idea being for you to believe its warning about your computer being infected and click on their link to download the fix. In reality, all it would be doing is scarfing up your credit card information. Viruses can usually be removed by use of any number of removal tools, such as Malwarebytes, or Avast!

Newer viruses are even more malicious in that they install themselves on your comp, change various registry settings, and then eliminate themselves. The virus is gone, but the damage it has done remains, requiring specialized help to correct. It is not advisable to go poking around a computer's registry settings unless you really know what you are doing. Changing the wrong thing may end up making a bad situation worse.

Quite possibly the single most common problem is the accessibility to access your PC at all. When you turn on your computer, nothing happens. Once you have had your intelligence insulted by being told to check and make sure the unit is plugged in, check out the power supply inside the unit and make sure it is functioning properly. If the comp appears to be running but the monitor is blank, check the unit's video card.

Of course you can always cut down on potential problems by running normal system tools such as Disk Defragmenter, ScanDisk, and Disk Cleanup. In addition, keep a can of compressed air handy to remove dust from your unit, cutting down on the possibility of a short.

Other problems are less noticeable, such as the inevitable slowdown of your system over time. The more programs that are installed and running simultaniously, the slower your system will run overall. Make it a good habit of regularly emptying your cache files, cleaning your registry, and making sure all of your software is up to date. My current desktop is almost seven years old and still runs just as well as my two year old laptop.

We have all had a computer freeze up and crash (remember those annoying "blue screens of death"?); These are most often the result of out of date drivers. Keep all of your hardware drivers up to date on a regular basis. Increasing the amount of memory will also help your comp run better.

You may also hear unusual sounds coming out of your CPU (or "tower"). Clicking, buzzing, and squealing sounds are not uncommon and may be the result of damaged electronic components within the unit. In many cases you may be able to fix the problem yourself, however if it comes down to dealing with delicate software or your hard drive, your best bet is to call in a qualified computer technician.

Staying on top of your computer issues and properly maintaining the unit will go a long way towards helping to insure a long productive life for your unit.

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