



Wednesday, September 5, 2018

How to Make a Girl Come Quickly and Effortlessly

Imagine a sex life where regardless of how long it went for, or how hard you wanted to, you never reached orgasm.

It'd be pretty frustrating, right?

Sadly, that's what about 70% of women go through every single day.

Many men are waking up to the fact that their partner isn't getting the sexual satisfaction she craves, and to their credit, are seeking out a solution to the problem. However, many of you reading this article are probably still unsure of how to give a girl multiple, mind-blowing orgasms that she know she desperately needs.

That's where I come in. In this article, I'm going to show you exactly how you can make your girl come quickly, easily, and effortlessly, using a simple, idiot-proof three-step formula.

Step 1: Build Sexual Tension

With all that goes on in our lives these days, it's easy for us to lose touch with our inherent sexuality. For guys, this usually isn't a big problem - we're so highly sexually charged to begin with, that it doesn't exactly take a lot for it to awaken.

Women, on the other hand, are a whole different story.

As opposed to men, who are generally more sexually charged the longer it's been since they've had sex, women work the opposite way. That is to say, they are at their horniest when they are having regular orgasms.

In order to make a woman orgasm quickly and effortlessly, we have to re-awaken her sexuality. We do this first mentally, then physically. The mental component is called sexual tension.

Building sexual tension, whilst easy when you know how, is a whole subject in and of itself. For the purposes of this article, just understand that it involves getting a girl's mind to be receptive to any sexual advances you make. Ways to do this may include light touching, a certain look, saying certain things, flirting, and much more.

Once you have built a decent amount of sexual tension, you can move on to the next step.

Step 2: Foreplay

Being able to perform powerful, arousing foreplay is one of the best skills a man can have in the bedroom.

If sexual tension is the key to awakening a woman's mental sexuality, foreplay is the key to re-aquainting her body with her sexual side. Again, there really isn't enough room in this article to be able to reveal the secrets to amazing foreplay, but essentially it revolves around "firing up" her nerves and putting her body in a highly sexually charged state.


Step 3: Direct Sexual Stimulation

If you have built sexual tension correctly, and have given your girl amazing foreplay, she's 90% of the way to having amazing, powerful orgasms already.

Having said that, obviously the actual physical stimulation is still extremely vital in making her come.

Again, unfortunately, there just isn't room in this article to give a thorough and in-depth explanation of how to use the clitoris, G-spot, and vaginal nerve endings in order to satisfy a woman's sexual cravings. We don't have the space to get into a discussion of primary and secondary stimulation, or the multitude of "hot spots" that are part of the female body, or how to use mental stimulation in tandem with physical stimulation in order to give her powerful, mind-blowing orgasms.

What you have just read is the basic skeletal outline of everything you need to know in order to make a girl come quickly and effortlessly. If you apply this roadmap, there is no doubt in my mind that your girl will have the most powerful orgasms of her life.

Finance Management: Balance the Books to Keep Your Head Above Water

Finance management has become important again - as if it was ever unimportant! The past few years have been difficult times, and just when we all believed things were getting better, it is all starting over again. Sure, we should all keep an eye on what we spend, but people have been feeling more secure laTely. Now with the American Dollar disintegrating and affecting world treaties that were already generally weakening, what can we do to balance the books and keep our heads above water?

Basically, we have to do what we should always be doing: spend less than we make. Whether you are at the head of a large corporation, are a manager, are running your own small business or are an individual trying to run your home, if you spend more than you make then the ultimate result is disaster. Effective finance management is essential. You must balance the books so you do not spend too much.

Hiring Help

If you are running a business and are having trouble looking after your finances, then get help. You do not have to employ somebody full time just yet - but hire a consultant to help you. Maybe a part time accountant or bookkeeper will be able to keep you on the right track. You must manage your finances, whether your company is multinational or just a one-person business. The same is true if you are a family - you will also suffer if you spend more than you earn.

Essential Spending

Finance management is more than just being able to balance the books, but is also about spending where it is most effective. Essential spending must be targeted and you must leave what you can do without. In order to achieve this, you must have an accounting system that enables you to control how you receive and pay out money. Not only control, but analyze and improve, and help you to maintain your monthly budget.


A monthly budget is essential in finance management, and a great way to keep track of your spending. First, you must target unnecessary expenditure, and you should start with the office - not because the office is the least important part of your business, because all parts are important, but because that is where you have most latitude in reducing costs.


Look for bulk discounts on office supplies that will save you money over the year. Use your initial savings to upgrade to a computerized accounting system that will absolutely save you a great deal of money, and will help you balance the books by recording and tracking income and expenditure. A good finance management system can be worth its weight in gold to a small or medium business that can not afford an entire financial and accounting department.

Similar considerations apply to you as an individual. Finance management involves checking your income against essential expenditure and then knowing exactly what is left for non-essentials. It is as important to balance the books in your household as it is in your business. Then both can survive any crisis thrown at it if you spend less than you make.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Corporate Financial Reporting

Corporate Financial Reporting is part of corporate reporting that consist of financial statements and accompanying notes that are prepared in conformity with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). The financial statements are summaries of business transactions during the financial year of the corporation. The business world has many forms of organizations ranging from the for profit sole proprietorship, partnership and incorporated businesses with limited liability to the not for profit organizations whose existence is not mainly driven by financial gain.

Regulations that govern the preparation of financial statements largely apply only to the incorporated entities. This has given rise to accounting standards setting bodies and legal provisions that form the frameworks used when preparing the financial statements. The process of preparing the reports in accordance with the GAAP and legal requirements presents advantages and disadvantages to the organizations and to other interested groups. The International Financial Reporting Standards are increasingly being adopted by many national accounting standards setting bodies leading the way to a single set of accounting standards all over the world. It is therefore worthwhile to look at the advantages and disadvantages of financial reporting to create an awareness of the complexities that corporations and accounting professionals contend with.


A number of advantages of corporate financial reporting can be enumerated and sometimes among the most important is that organizations are able to compare their individual performance with others in the same industry or line of business. This is due to the established principles, standards and regulations ensuring that there is a benchmark to be followed in the preparation of financial reports. Recognition of income, expense, assets and liabilities is standardized by the existing framework and any deviation can be counted with clinical or legal action. Organizations strive to prepare their financial statements to closely match the set frameworks as as much as possible. In some countries for example Kenya, this has been translated into an annual competition (the fire award) where companies performance in this area is assessed by professional bodies including the national accounting professionals body with the aim of awarding the company with the best prepared financial statements . This in turn promotes staff and professional development which is a desirable aspect in the growth and wealth creation of the corporate organizations.

Investors and owners of companies in jurisprudence where corporate financial reporting follows strong established and clear frameworks can make the appropriate investment decisions. Corporate reporting in this case enhances the development of understanding of the activities of the companies and at the same time keeps the companies themselves on their toes as the wider society is well-informed of the expected reporting standards. This also acts as an incentive to managers to perform at their best and to institute control measures that aid the organization to comply with the frameworks.

Requirements of corporate financial reporting lead to timely preparation of financial reports. This is desirable to the quakeholders who may be more interested in the organizations immediate past than wait for a long time before the output of their input is known. When financial reports are prepared and published within the stipulated time, it is possible for necessary actions to be taken to correct any anomalies that may have led to undesirable outcomes. In a more serious case where a material error happens to be discovered, it can be corrected and the necessary measures taken to avoid a repeat of such occurrences.

IFRS give room for flexibility as they are based on principles rather than rules. As principles are based on value, corporations can adopt the standards that best suit their circumstances as long as fair value is appropriately reported. This also encourages professional development as accounting standards setting requires qualified academics who can develop the required standards after lengthy and rigorous discussions and considerations to come to a consensus.

Overall, corporate financial reporting acts as a control measure as management, owners, employees, customers, creditors and the government are dependent on the reports in their decision-making. For instance the government in taxation of companies relating at the outset on the financial reports prepared and examined by qualified public or certified professionals. Trends on the growth of the companies can also be quickly determined by comparing sets of reports for different periods.


Corporate financial reporting does not bring desirable results only. There are some undesirable consequences that should be mitigated against. The consideration of cost guides many companies in their operation. In preparing corporate financial reports in accordance with laid down standards and rules, expertise is required and the company has to engage highly qualified professionals for this task. The fee payments to qualified professionals can be prohibiting especially to small companies controlled closely by their owner managers. Compared to larger companies the small entities do not have adequate resources to implement adoption of the standards or even to train or employ qualified staff. In many instances such small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are tempted to forgo compliance with certain aspects of the standards or rules leading to problems with regulatory bodies including the government.

Freedom to adopt standards that suit the particular circumstances of the company leads to manipulation of reports. Disclosure of important information is in prisony as there is no legal enforcement for implementing the standards. Even where the Government imposes legal obligations on what financial reports are to be prepared, there are still loopholes that can arise especially when the accounting standards and the legal stipulations are not in conformity in some areas.

For multinational companies, there are challenges in preparing their consolidated financial reports especially where operations are in countries with different accounting standards and legal regimes. There are also other challenges in dealing with for instance exchange rates, interest rates and transfer pricing where treatment of such aspects may be considered differently in different countries. Taxation and existence or non-existence of dual taxation treaties also poses another challenge.


It can be concluded that corporate financial reporting is essential and the gains following following accounting standards based on principles far outweigh the disadvantages as freedom to prepare reports in whatever way organizations deem appropriate may lead to financial chaos.

Impact Of Technology In Banking

In the world of banking and finance nothing stands still. The biggest change of all is in the, scope of the business of banking. Banking in its traditional from is concerned with the acceptance of deposits from the customers, the lending of surplus of deposited money to suitable customers who wish to borrow and transmission of funds. Apart from traditional business, banks now a days provide a wide range of services to satisfy the financial and non financial needs of all types of customers from the smallest account holder to the largest company and in some cases of non customers. The range of services offered differs from bank to bank depending mainly on the type and size of the bank.


As a central bank in a developing country, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has adopted development of the banking and financial market as one of its prime objectives. "Institutional development" was the hallmark of this approach from 1950s to 1970s. In the 1980s, the Reserve Bank focused on "improvements in the productivity" of the banking sector. Being convinced that technology is the key for improving in productivity, the Reserve Bank took several initiatives to popularize usage of technology by banks in India.

Periodically, almost once in five years since the early 1980s, the Reserve Bank appointed committees and working Groups to deliberate on and recommend the appropriate use of technology by banks give the circumstances and the need. These committees are as follows:

-Rangarajan committee -1 in early 1980s.

-Rangarajan committee -11 in late 1980s.

-Saraf working group in early 1990s.

-Vasudevan working group in late 1990s.

-Barman working group in early 2000s.

Based on the recommendations of these committees and working groups, the Reserve Bank issued suitable guidelines for the banks. In the 1980s, usage of technology for the back office operations of the banks predominated the scene. It was in the form of accounting of transactions and collection of MIS. In the inter-bank payment systems, it was in the form of clearing and settlement using the MICR technology.

Two momentous decisions of the Reserve Bank in the 1990s changed the scenario for ever there are:

a) The prescription of compulsory usage of technology in full measure by the new private sector banks as a precondition of the license and

b) The establishment of an exclusive research institute for banking technology institute for development and Research in Banking Technology.

As the new private sector banks came on the scene as technology-savvy banks and offered several innovative products at the front office for the customers based on technology, the demonstration effect caught on the reset of the banks. Multi channel offerings like machine based (ATMs and pc-Banking), card based (credit/Debit/Smart cards), Communication based (Tele-Banking and Internet Banking) ushered in Anytime and Anywhere Banking by the banks in India. The IDRBT has been instrumental in establishing a safe and secure, state of the art communication backbone in the from of the Indian Financial NETwork (INFINET) as a closed user group exclusively for the banking and financial sector in India.


Liberalization brought several changes to Indian service industry. Probably Indian banking industry learnt a tremendous lesson. Pre-liberalization, all we did at a bank was deposit and withdraw money. Service standards were pathetic, but all we could do was grin and bear it. Post-liberalization, the tables have turned. It's a consumer oriented market there.

Technology is revolutionizing every field of human endeavor and activity. One of them is introduction of information technology into capital market. The internet banking is changing the banking industry and is having the major effects on banking relationship. Web is more important for retail financial services than for many other industries.

Retail banking in India is maturing with time, several products, which further could be customized. Most happening sector is housing loan, which is witnessing a cut-throat competition. The home loans are very popular as they help you to realize your most cherished dream. Interest rates are coming down and market has seen some innovative products as well. Other retail banking products are personal loan, education loan and vehicles loan. Almost every bank and financial institution is offering these products, but it is essential to understand the different aspects of these loan products, which are not mentioned in their colored advertisements.


Plastic money was a delicious gift to Indian market. Giving respite from carrying too much cash. Now several new features added to plastic money to make it more attractive. It works on formula purchase now repay later. There are different facts of plastic money credit card is synonyms of all.

Credit card is a financial instrument, which can be used more than once to borrow money or buy products and services on credit. Banks, retail stores and other businesses generally issue these. On the basis of their credit limit, they are of different kinds like classic, gold or silver.

Charged cards-these too carry almost same features as credit cards. The fundamental difference is you can not defer payments charged generally have higher credit limits or some times no credit limits.

Debit cards-this card is may be characterized as accountholder's mobile ATM, for this you have to have account with any bank offering credit card.

Over the years, the banking sector in India has seen a no. of changes. Most of the banks have begun to take an innovative approach towards banking with the objective of creating more value for customers and consequently, the banks. Some of the significant changes in the banking sector are discussed below.


Taking advantages of the booming market for mobile phones and cellular services, several banks have introduced mobile banking which allows customers to perform banking transactions using their mobile phones. For instances HDFC has introduced SMS services. Mobile banking has been especially targeted at people who travel frequently and to keep track of their banking transaction.


One of the innovative scheme to be launched in rural banking was the KISAN CREDIT CARD (KCC) SCHMME started in fiscal 1998-1999 by NABARD. KCC mode it easier for framers to purchase important agricultural inputs. In addition to regular agricultural loans, banks to offer several other products geared to the needs of the rural people.

Private sector Banks also realized the potential in rural market. In the early 2000's ICICI bank began setting up internet kiosks in rural Tamilnadu along with ATM machines.


With a substantial number of Indians having relatives abroad, banks have begun to offer service that allows expatriate Indians to send money more conveniently to relatives India which is one of the major improvements in money transfer.


E-Banking is becoming increasingly popular among retail banking customers. E-Banking helps in cutting costs by providing cheaper and faster ways of delivering products to customers. It also helps the customer to choose the time, place and method by which he wants to use the services and gives effect to multichannel delivery of service by the bank. This E-Banking is driven by twin engine of "customer-pull and Bank-push".


Technology has been one of the most important factors for the development of mankind. Information and communication technology is the major advent in the field of technology which is used for access, process, storage and dissemination of information electronically. Banking industry is fast growing with the use of technology in the from of ATMs, on-line banking, Telephone banking, Mobile banking etc., plastic card is one of the banking products that cater to the needs of retail segment has seen its number grow in geometric progression in recent years. This growth has been strongly supported by the development of in the field of technology, without which this could not have been possible of course it will change our lifestyle in coming years.

Xamarin: The Next Big Thing in Mobile App Development

Since Microsoft announced its acquisition of Xamarin, the mobile app development turned its head towards the relative clan of the most popular app development across platforms. The fact that Xamarin's products were used by 1 million developers across 120 countries is an absolute testament to why is the next big thing in mobile app development.

To a novice, it is just another mobile platform like Native or Hybrid, for developing apps using C #. But for Top Mobile App Development Companies, it is a godsend to developers. In fact, Xamarin has taken hybrid and cross-platform development to a whole new level and is capable of combining all the platforms (Android, iOS, Windows or Hybrid and Cross-platform) into a single mobile application using the same code.

Xamarin: What is it?

Xamarin is a product that works on .NET and C # to produce original native Android and iOS apps with the same functions. It is a Microsoft-owned code language which uses the cross implementation of the Common Language Specification (CLS) and Common Language Infrastructure (CLI).

Technically speaking, it is the shared code base which makes it possible to combine all platforms into one single app. Xamarin shares the C # code base for development. Using the code base, Top App Developers in India develop apps for native Android, iOS, Windows, Cross-Platform and Hybrid platforms and share them across multiple platforms.

Xamarin: Why is it important?

Let's say you have developed and launched a native android app and over a period of time, it has become a huge success in the app market. What will be your next move? iOS platform ??

Why begin from the scratch when you can avail the shared codebase of Xamarin which can help you develop apps across multiple platforms.

The added advantage of Xamarin is that it can provide Microsoft-owned products like Visual Studio and NuGet, and integrates .NET portable class libraries for coding. It also allows the developers to add the component to their apps straight from the IDE. Backends like Azure, Salesforce, SAP and Parse can also be integrated within the app. In fact, Xamarin offers the best of both the worlds - Native Java Code Ability and Code Re-usability.

Xamarin: Products

Top Mobile App Development Companies absolutely pleasing on Xamarin's product is no surprise! Enriched application tools and integrated component store make it much easier for the developers to deal with. Xamarin.Forms, Xamarin Test Cloud, Xamarin for Visual Studio, Xamarin Studio, Xamarin.Mac, .Net Mobility Scanner and RoboVM are the products offered by Xamarin (Microsoft-owned).

Xamarin is one the best mobile app development platforms. Looking forward to developing a Xamarin App?

Find the best team of technical developers who have developed multiple Xamarin apps across Android, iOS and Windows platforms.

The Best Android Phones That Are Different From What You Were Told

Inarguably, you can find various kinds of cell phones on the market today. You have probably heard or used Blackberry, Pearl, the iPhone and Android cell phones. Being unknown to many people, Google's Android phones have been great and widely distributed all over the market. Among the available options in today's App stores, how would you even know the best Android phones?

Why Android Devices Are popular

As noted earlier on, Android mobile phones have scheduled the market because there are many cell phone manufacturers that make use of the Android OS in their phones. Typically, the best Android phones are as good and perfect as some other high-end smart phones on the market.

Best Android Phones

Here are some of the best Android phones you can buy from your seller:

* Sony Ericsson

The model Xperia X10 Mini is a very popular and powerful Android device; it is a compressed lightweight version of the original model it takes after. That's why it's being referred to as a mini phone. It operates on Android 1.6, being paired with the Ericsson's UX interface. The touch screen is 2 in inches big. It has a camera of 5 megapixels and a headphone jack for your earpiece.

* Motorola Cliq

This is just one of the Motorola models that run with the Android OS. You can buy it via T-Mobile. The device has a slide-out keypad. More so, it is in high demand today because users can keep long logs of their e-mails, text messages as well as updates of their social networking activities. For instance, you can use Motorola Cliq to maintain an up-to-date Facebook and Twitter pages. Even, you can remotely access the data you have on the phone.

* Acer Phone

Acer Liquid is often overlooked as one of the best Android phones. The device uses Android 2.1 OS and a snapdragon processor; it has a touch screen interface, Wi-Fi functionality, a 5 megapixels camera, a GPS feature, a headphone jack and a microphone jack. You can easily make or receive hands-free calls anytime.

Indeed, choosing one of the best Android phones will make life easier and comfortable for you. You can access the Internet with ease to read your e-mails, connect with friends or have a video conference. Beside, you can play your favorite games in your leisure time. There is no limit to what you can do with these types of cellular gadgets.

How Men and Women Communicate

Research has shown that the communication styles of men and women differ significantly. This difference will help a couple manage their finances more effectively and achieve goals more efficiently. Unfortunately, these advantages are not experienced by all men and women. The compatibility might not arise in daily interactions because both are more consumed by their differences and both do not experience the advantages of cooperation.

Men are more inclined to express their needs, interests, and wants and then wait until others do the same things. Women, in turn, are inclined to ask or end their sentences with a question. This will often lead men to guess what their female partner wants. Women will gently give answers without expressing what they exactly want.

Men talk and interrupt much more whereas women like to react on something said by others and often do not come back to the topic at hand after being interrupted.

Men talk about money in a competitive way: "My investment in the stock market went up." On the other hand women do not talk about money in a competitive way. They even try to avoid the subject of money in their conversations.

Let have a closer look at the different characters of men and women.

Character of Men

Men like to talk about impersonal topics and rarely admit having financial problems and need help to solve them. They are inclined to emphasize the joys of freedom from obligations and make decisions without consulting their partner. Men like to go straight to the point of the problem or do an important thing to achieve their goals. For instance, men go to the toilet to deliver something. On the other hand, women use the toilet to powder their noses, gossip and hang around. Obviously women consider the toilet to be a multi functional room.

When communicating, men like to start talking about a problem at hand and focus on it whereas women do the opposite. This is caused by the fact that men have a mono-tracking brain causing them to be able to focus on one topic of conversation. When the conversation touches many other topics and drags on, they will stop absorbing relevant information. Women are much better to engage in conversations covering many topics because they have multi-tracking brains.

How to Communicate with Men

The character of men is stiffer compared to women and this must be understood during conversations. Avoid communication styles which are not to the point. This will not impress them and they will think badly about their counterparts. So try speak to the point, analyze a problem thoroughly, avoid side tracking, use logic when expressing an opinion, avoid talking about other people, use simple words and a firm voice, appreciate them (start them ego), avoid belittling them with negative judgments, and avoid debts if possible. Use exact numbers when talking to men. By using a more rational style highlighting numbers and figures, men will be able to understand better. So when giving directions, avoid vague marks but give exact signs they can use to find their way.

Character of Women

There are huge differences between the characters of men and women. Women like to talk about themselves, their financial problems, and do not hesitate to ask for help if necessary. They do not consider that to be a burden. Thanks to their multi-tracking brain, women can talk about different topics in a fast way which is an amazing thing. Women like talk about other people. They can talk about others for hours with their female friends. The easily express their feelings and opinions. They value friendship a lot and will ask for help and guidance from their friends. They are less independent in decision making and need the help of men in this respect.

Women like to hear nice words which sound like music in their ears. They discuss sensitive issues indirectly and use imaginary examples to discuss a problem. However, they are good listeners and it is difficult to accuse them of lying. Women are superb in detecting sincerity of others through their body language and tone of voice. For this reason, men like to lie through the phone which is much safer!

How to Communicate with Women

Women with all their beauty are much more sensitive than men and have many other superior practices which all require a gentle approach. When we make a mistake it is going to be difficult to fix it. When communicating with women try to avoid being to the point, talk about social things and daily life to attract their attention, use gentle and civilized words, use social and psychological words, use moderate tone of voice, and use decent and focused body language. It is possible to emphasize some topics, but avoid statistics, numbers and other exact data. Use a warm and friendly psychological approach. Appreciate them by praising all women in general. Of course compliment their clothes and accessories at the start of conversation. Women like to form friendships instead of cold and stiff business relationships.

They like to foster long-term relationships and unlike men, they do not like to look at relationships with a cost-benefit approach. When giving directions do it like this: "The address you are looking for is nor far from here. You just need to pass McDonald's on your left and the building you are looking for is just in front of you." There are no exact numbers in this explanation and this will be much better understood by women than men.

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